*scuttle scuttles* WHO WE SENDIN

I see

Good luck with that

Also I still don’t understand what AP CS Principles is for lol

I like how we completely diverted from the point of this thread,

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Marl should be our candidate…

… next year. Marl is relative noob in our community Imo.


Yeah that is why I am hesitant to send him.

Imo Eevee is probably the best but they play on a lot of sites so would not really feel like they are representing us, more just representing themself.

Marl is also decent but because he is quite new I would prefer to send him next year and send someone more experienced here this year.

This is why I am leaning towards Mole/Orange or maybe Frost if he wants to. Thoughts?

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Frost talks himself into lynches here, pretty sure he’d do the same over there.

If you aren’t standing, it’d be orange. Eevee can get nominated elsewhere and low-key represent us :octopus:

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I wouldn’t mind sending Orange / Mole (one as player one as backup)

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Inb4 the other site’s representative is Eevee


@Methnor wouldn’t let us down, but I feel he has the same issue as eevee in that he doesn’t play enough games here to fairly represent us.

At the same time, I know Eevee wants to be repping us over MAL/whatever Polish site/etc.

So he should definitely be considered

I sleep

And that’s cool, he’d do a good job of repping us -but - for me, the quantity of games he plays here is too low

next time we should do a mini tourney beforehand to decide who does it

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I nominate @anon29036956

He’s already declined, simon

We did a practice game last year

Kind of

No he nominated hippo 2


I’ll ask him for you

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Which really sucks

Hippo is definitely better than he gives himself credit for

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He actually did lmao

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I know, although technically, I nominated HippoIytus, not hip
(it was a joke though)