[SFM] Airship Zeppriphon - Game Over

is htm usually this way

Lurky you mean?

Like he just got on said he didnā€™t feel like reading and then left

if heā€™s lurkin thats worse tbh

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Yes this is like htm but more so scum Htm.

Did anyone whiteknight? I remember someone saying their tone was off but I think that was implyin theyā€™re scum

Can anyone explain to meā€™s the BlueStorms scum meta or link me to one of his scum games Iā€™m gettin the bad vibes from him for some reason

The amount of people sayin they donā€™t feel like reading makes me sad :<

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Agreed. I wonder if we even meet quorum.

To be completely honest I donā€™t see the point in early-game reaction fishing/RVS. I find his target scummy and the fact he said he had no reason for it.

More self-criticism. Find it scummy because scum can easily be like oh Iā€™m bad at the game donā€™t think about me my stuff isnā€™t important.

I donā€™t really see the idea behind RVS at all. I really donā€™t see how one can catch scum by just voting randomly SOD1. Itā€™s not like youā€™re going to vote scum and then their scummates are going to be AHHH NANI TF

Reeee I just donā€™t like this vote

Useless question, it started already? Opening

more unhelpful fluff

not very helpful questions, no follow up afterwards

Then why even vote?

People usually get townread on my site for this. I donā€™t like the practice, scum can do it just as easily. On my site, RVS is classified as just a big banger period until someone finds something to push someone off of.


Howā€™s that make you read him? Do you think itā€™s AI

Honestly not liking Max, based on the Hipp kill and his posts

Iā€™m having a really tough time reading Shuri

/vote Kai

still memeing on d2? gimme ur thoughts

You guys should wait for me to wake upā€¦ timezone problems XD

Brit EOTW? I havenā€™t seen an idiot town in ages. Does make me question Launchā€¦ But I have other things.

Brit Hippo? I didnā€™t bother reading them in the first place. I could go backā€¦ and read his theories, just to see his points. Since he died during the night, itā€™s most likely the spy.

If Launch isnā€™t lying about the alignments (or in this case, nationality) of the dead guys, he would most likely be town.

I have info. But I wanna hear Sulitā€™s reasoning for jailing who he did.
And why no one else bothered using an action (unless I only hear one action per night/ which apparently I canā€™t hear people going out in the night talking* but can hear the jackbox of actions).

Math is null. Again, heā€™s been a huge fan of paranoia, but weā€™re still in the early stages, I canā€™t tell whether he is a good man or a heinous German. Iā€™m leaning towards scum if Launchpad was indeed correct. If Launchpad is scum (which we have no way to know of), then Math should be clear.

@BlueStorm state your scum reads now for me, your answer will help me figure you out

Quiet htm is bad.
See previous bad htm games for reference.

Breathes in lolmeta

@MaximusPrime Gimme them reads. Everyone is literally shading onto you, and Iā€™m inclined to do the same for you acting like itā€™s ā€œend of the worldā€
@Wazza Slank another game and scum be like ā€œoh lol whats up this guy is useless lets not kill himā€, but the possibility of u scum goes up every friggin day, say something.


you have a good point, but i donā€™t think that was their intention?

they didnā€™t say soldier?

and id rather be a more fun class than coroner unless i have to :unamused:

bruh am i blind or something bc i donā€™t see where he put soldiers

??? can u point it out?

I would see Traitor doing this, but Deserter most likely will want to not draw attention to themselves.

whenā€™d geyde join the game

i just checked the op and theyā€™re not in?


Imma brb

hmm looking back i donā€™t see why they would want to kill the privateā€¦ itā€™s kind of a useless role?

launchpad seems good due to jail and nothing theyā€™ve posted seems off unless im missing something?

and speaking of launchpad why does blue keep spouting something about soldiers when i didnā€™t see him say anything about it?