[SFM] Airship Zeppriphon - Game Over

hmm looking back i don’t see why they would want to kill the private… it’s kind of a useless role?

launchpad seems good due to jail and nothing they’ve posted seems off unless im missing something?

and speaking of launchpad why does blue keep spouting something about soldiers when i didn’t see him say anything about it?

it doesn’t?

i don’t see how that’s a gambit tho? and they seemed quite new so im not sure if they even knew what they were doing at that point

Accused Voters Votes
Launchpad Bluestorm 2/6
Kai_5 Launchpad, MaximusPrime 2/6

Ping me for all future votes! Please!

so you don’t like me, alright, but what’s the point of saying you don’t like hippos stuff when he’s dead and presumably town? and is there anything else you have to add besides that?

and you scumreading my d1 meme/fluff sends off red flags for me, because im fairly certain others did it but you’re just targeting me, so :thinking:

it’s not literally everyone but sure…

this post might help a bit

can’t read the more experienced players but i don’t like blue and i want to see more from kai… also feel like sulit really wants to lynch me from that “iso”… can’t cherrypick posts and just quote what you want to quote so not quite liking him either

some of the more quiet people talking also wouldn’t hurt, as i’ve only seen about half of the game so far

i can see how he is scum, if we assume that launchpad is likely town from that n1 jail

blue’s logic also seems a bit wonky? they said something about launch specifically stating brit soldiers but i didn’t see the post so either i missed it or they’re just trying to make it seem like launch is scum

@Icibalus can u update the op to reflect who replaced who pls?

Huh? You know my class?

Oh… this is embarrassing.
I actually forgot to input an action.
waits for rotten tomatoes to be thrown

did you not read OP

I checked it. I know now.



I did nothing because I would have to guess who scum were going to kill and I wasn’t getting enough of a vibe to make that gamble.

@Shurian Please explain your thought process. Not seeing how you’re getting the conclusions you are regarding Launchpad and myself.

Sorry Launchpad reminds me of Geyde a lot. I meant Launchpad

Because Launchpad said they were green and building worlds off that.

I can’t shake the feeling Launchpad is traitor. It is irking me.

Hippo’s last words.

Math was saying that Endoftheworld could have been from MS.
I was dispelling that notion.

I am Geyde.