[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

PKR is indeed hammered. Let me make a EoD VC

Vote Count

PKR-Eevee, Arete, Hippo [L-0]

Standby for flip

PKR has been roasted alive!

PKR Was...

The Deadeye

Human Killing
Self Defense (Passive)-You are immune to death once
Quick Trigger (Night)-If a beast visits you, you will shoot them.-1 use
Take The Offensive (Candlelight Only)-Shoot a player, if they are Human you will not die-4 uses
See The Beasts Perish

Night Ends in 24 hours, will tally hours left soonTM

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14 Hours Remain

Flips soonTM

As the candle was relit from what remains of it, Hippoā€™s body was found near butchered beyond recongonition.

Hippo Was...

The Doctor

Human Support
Desperate (Passive)-At the start of the game, select a player, if they die for any reason gain another use of either Desperate Treatment or Scrounged Up Pills
Scrounged Up Pills (Day/Candlelight)-Cure a player of poison-2 uses
Desperate Treatment-Target a player, if they are attacked delay their death by 2 nights.-3 uses
See The Beasts Defeated

As it is now mechanically impossible for the humans to achieve victoryā€¦

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The Beasts, @Arete , @JakeTheWolfie, and @PoisonedSquid have won!

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Everyone may now speak

Aww, I was hoping to spend 14 hours lolcatting

All rolecards being revealled soonTM


Iā€™m not super proud of my play this game.

@Universal I specifically want to apologize to you; it was never my intent to manipulate you into feeling guilty about your actions, regardless of my feelings on said actions, and quite frankly I never should have brought anything like that up in-thread in the first place.

Everyone else: I definitely caused some people to have negative experiences this game, in ways that were neither intentional nor necessary. Iā€™m sorry to anyone affected. Playing scum shouldnā€™t mean that I suddenly stop being compassionate and respectful to the other players in the game.

how was arete not lynched d2

any form of NKA proves arete wolf

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if hippo read his rolecard at all then this game would have been much more different

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This is where your logic went wrong Marshal

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like there were 2 correct lynches and only 1 ML

and the last wolf was outted(well they were outted day fucking 1 but :man_shrugging:)

but town still lost

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squid is the only wolf who wasnā€™t incredibly clearly mafia d1

honestly eevee played like pure dogshit early but he didnā€™t do all that bad later on.

> be Arete
> on D2
> strongly townread Squid
> try to mislynch her
> Squid was the Beast from the Sea


@Arete would you have killed me if eevee didnā€™t force me to reveal my reactiontest?