[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

Sure do that, or sleep like u wanted to, and do it in the morning your call

I know, my reads were bad. They usually are like 50% 50% wrong.

why do u feel its not a good day 1 move?

Could you explain this a little more?

Mindmeld :eyes:

I don’t have enough time to sift through their mess in the morning. |e sigh


Also has anyone read op are there flips, or is thisgonna be a nightmare

Also I think it’d be good to out this now. I asked Kai yesterday and any player names other than your own are censored on flip.

I don’t know how normal that is with the class I have but I would assume it’s not the norm

There are flips

but no logs

who knew

The OP doesn’t say either way but based on my read of Kai-as-a-person there are almost certainly flips

Investigators exist and I don’t know what side poss is on currently. I’m still sus of both of you

I feel like Blackflag didnt but i could totally be wrong and thinking of another game

You are definitely thinking of another game, Black Flag had flips

You could apply that same argument to basically anyone though

I agree both are poe worthy atm, throw in Jake for just mama bear reasons, eevee for just not solving, and maybe Hippo just for the lack of ISO. Maybe throw Marshal in there to be safe. Uni and to a lesser extent Squid have both been pretty forgettable so those two also.

Exactly, which is why I’m voting for people I’m most confident are a wolf currently, which are diggity and jake

OHHHHHHHH I thought of it. Ici’s liar game. That game scar-ed me

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