[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

I am not.

Didnā€™t you say the opposite earlier on?

I did, yes.

Centuries kai asked us to shut on this

Please do

diggity dies today.

Not to a lynch, but to bloodlusted claws.

No, you are not ignoring me in the mafia game.

Ignoring anyone is straightforward annoying to that person and rude.

I fail to udnerstand a thing and you refuse to explain.
Iā€™m not gonna change my opinion on situation unless someone explains it.

please provide more reads, im trying tu understand ur pov more

Poe is

Eevee maybe

Arete and jake r like 90% scumz

Diggity with them tbh

Then the others are where the 4th is

If there is a 4th

But since Iā€™m not neut I assume itā€™s 4v8

Marshal, suppose you are wrong about me.

What would that say about Arete and Jake?

Life is an afterthought

Still wolves

Itā€™s a 16p


So I am only scum because of myself?

I already outed that both masons donā€™t understand a thing, that I donā€™t understand a thing.
That anonymous message I received donā€™t mention a thing about this.

And you are still saying that Diggity is scum becouse he donā€™t understands a thing.


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thats not what were saying

Nah ur scum because u and jake are pushing agenda on me and either following directions on eevee telling yā€™all to vote me

Or just sheeping a painfully incorrect eevee.

Also youā€™ve done individually scummy things but u and jake r prolly together

None of those would get it