[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

So then how would me flipping town not change your mind about Jake?

Cause jake is still wolf by himself anyways

You arenā€™t wolf by yourself if jake is town but otherwise u likely are

Last game jake claimed his n0 on a scumbud and it wouldnā€™t shock me if he did it wgaib

So, Im one who is supposed to hold all the information with 2 chats per cycle.

I also linked with person who has another chat.
I also got annonymous message.

And you say thatā€™s not enough to understand?

What tf is going on.

What would happen when Jake and myself flip town?

A bunch of vanilla towns found eachother simple as that. We shouldnt be looking for more through that method, but like we found some

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I eat my own ass In that case



DB, in the event that the wolves have the Vanilla Town Rolecard, what would you say about the supposed Vanilla towns?

Iā€™m starting to suspect that Dat/Derps/Centuries/whoever just rolled scum together, thought itā€™s a good, strong team and came up to create some bullshit mechanics justification to misslynch people.
And then just refuse to reveal it and keep misslynching.

This is unlikely af and would be very strong link between them tho.

But yeahā€¦ tinfoil hat on, until I finally understand whatā€™s going on.

You know it to be true

Itā€™s bullshit vanilla passives

We be fucked and I would have to reconsider. Based on actual reads I like Geyde and Centuries. Derps is the smallest of town leans and Marhsal is in null

So you just outed all PRs. Okay.

Soundsā€¦ bad.

You get like 5 townclears
Thatā€™s worth it

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If thats the case I leave this forum permanently and send you 100$ by mail

Well yeah thats why we didnt want to out that info but to keep everyone on track and not start fights i did it to shut everyone up.

So if scum has VT rolecardā€¦ you just outed all PRs.

I was fullclaiming anyway, so it didnā€™t matter, but it allows scum to narrow down who is masons, who is cop ect. ect.




You used information that supposedly only a specific town would know to solve the game, and the only reason they would know this is because the host didnā€™t choose to randomize the given information.

If that isnā€™t angleshooting, I donā€™t know what is.

Well why tf do u think we wanted to keep it a secret

Iā€™d say something but [redacted]
Rest assured I feel very confident that itā€™s safe

Dat, if scum had VT rolecard, they would know it, and we, people whoa ctually can o something, would not.