[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

scum have to choose between killing prs, or confirmed town worth it imo.

Yeah, I guess ur right. I didnt start this shit Derps and Centureis did

If eevee is scum everyone who softed vt in fact is

Arete and jake are both nerds who can go goodbye

Then you shouldnā€™t wonder why I was so against it
And you shouldnā€™t be disparaging people for this

Iā€™m all for playing fair but donā€™t accuse players who tried to exploit game mechanics to solve from a high horse. Itā€™s rude and only leads to fights.

Itā€™s not mechanics to solve.

If scum had VT rolecardā€¦ all it achieved was outing who is PR.

I get it

But I know for certain that thatā€™s not the case
But I canā€™t say it for fear of doing more damage

Iā€™m facepalming rn.

Iā€™m so severly disappointed.

Like i initially read PKRs claim as VT as he had no way to clear POE or something and I messed up, but I knew geyde was one based on how he tried reading me from a mountainous game. Centuries did something similiar so thats why I said I liked him also. Derps and Marshal were only added to the out of fun of the game talk. It solved two more slots potentially but like is it fair not really.

Okay, fuck it, if you already did the damage, letā€™s follow up on it and analyse it.

Scum would do the same anywaym, so we might as well.

@Geyde @SirDerpsAlot Who from your ā€œinformedā€ PoV is vanilla and who is PR and who is ā€œuncertainā€?

If scum do have the VT rolecard, then all of that confirmation via VT can be thrown out the window, as scum wouldā€™ve moved into the Towncore.

okay im gonna place my ā€œbefore-post-2500ā€ bets on it being jake/arete/diggity/eevee

lets see how i do.

At least one is wrong.

this is exactly what i said when ash4fun guessed my entire scumteam lasts game LUL

I would agree except that my two reads on Geyde and Centuries were before the bs. Yes somehow Geyde and Centuries both could have somehow did a VT slip as scum, but I think they have been fine otherwise


I may be removing diggity since apparently theres more development that clears his name, but I am unable to do a full ISO. Today is my bday and I also was busy with work so I didnā€™t have the time to really do any ISO reads on anyone.

Also I want more pressure on lowposters. I still believe we may be able to gain something insightful from the lack of post. I think I remember someone saying that itā€™s best for town to read who is town than trying to find out who is scum. I donā€™t remember who said it but I feel like that would be the best option.

Anyways I have to get going. Have a great day everyone!

happy birthday

Happy Birthday. If u can we would love to see more of u tomorrow

Can you vote one of them then?