[SFM] Candlelight [The Beasts Achieve Victory]

I mean last time I did it the game was a scum sweep by D3 and wound up going ~2-3 days shorter than the host had expected it to because we won so overwhelmingly

but ok

game days not IRL days

And I absolutely hate both of those.

us being on a scumteam together wasā€¦ interesting.

it worked but only because i intensely argued his lockscum of me because i actually didnā€™t want him to lockscum me.

:heart: u 2

Anyway, off topic.

i just dont want to if im honest

that requires too much brainpower which i dont have rn

Risk-reward. One scum outted, you TR your scum team.

The antithesis: You SR your buds, eventually theyā€™re all gone or youā€™re gone and they catch on.

Well if itā€™s too much brainpower, then how could you ever justify PKR being what you think they are?

i dont plan too justify it today

im just nullreading them and thatā€™s that


my D1 readslist from my last scum game, if people actually want meta


Rem: Literally everything sheā€™s done has been townie, I basically donā€™t see this slot flipping scum ever. Iā€™m pretty much putting her in a ā€œreevaluate if weā€™re somehow both alive in LyLoā€ box.

DeadBananas: Given how new he is (IIRC this is his second game), his level of solviness and thought processes almost always come from town. In my experience newbie scum typically try to lurk/go under the radar or give hedgy reads without being willing to commit to them, and that doesnā€™t match his play this match at all, which indicates a genuine interest in solviness. I also feel like Iā€™ve mindmelded with this slot a lot this game.

Ari: Based on playing with him in FM1 heā€™s basically in his town meta. Also, I donā€™t think this level of aggressiveness and confidence (e.g. starting the ITAs) would come from newbie scum basically ever.

Squirrel: This is another slot where I keep mindmelding with it. There was like one post that pinged me early on but other than that the analysis feels natural, and there are several posts that seemed townie such as when they questioned Quinā€™s townread on them.

GKB: His thought process and progression has felt very natural this game so far, at this point the biggest thing giving me pause is him repeatedly saying heā€™s going to take a shot without actually doing it and the random discussion of PRs but other than that heā€™s been pretty townie.

Bepwei: I re-read his Iso and although he hasnā€™t posted much, basically all of his posts have felt slightly townie, so this is a townlean for now.


Eric, Kaylee, Kaitlyn, Oro, Quack, James. One of Kayleeā€™s posts about not wanting to be linked to people kind of pinged me but other than that I havenā€™t really seen much AI from these slots.


Gellnick: He had some early posts in his Iso that looked like they were designed to look productive without actively being productive. I also agree with what Rem said about how him being willing to vote but not shoot is scummy.

Clonedcheese: If Quin is a villager, their explanation for their shot on Quin looks kind of terrible (in that they were trying to distance from the shot in the case of Quin flipping villager, which would make sense from the mindset of a wolf who doesnā€™t want to look bad if the shot hits, but not from the mindset of a villager who actually believes in their shot). However, I donā€™t think this slot is ever W/W with Quin, so Quin flipping W would basically clear him, and I remember liking some of their early posting (though I donā€™t remember why).

Spork: All my reasons for scumreading this slot earlier still apply. Also, the fact that it spent a while as top wagon before the votes dispersed without the slot itself having done anything is commonly indicative of scum.

Quin: The readslist he posted earlier felt very artificial and his explanations donā€™t really make sense. There were also several points where I felt like he was dodging my or other peopleā€™s questions (such as when he was asked about why Squirrel was so high on his readlist and he interpreted it as a question about him using nicknames/not nicknames, or when I asked about why he thought some of the different things lowposters had done were AI and rather than saying why he thought that he just repeated that they were). This sort of evasiveness is very likely wolf-motivated as wolves are often worried about giving the ā€œrightā€ answers to questions and are more likely to avoid giving a direct answer.


Anyways sleep is calling. Ill pick this up tomorrow.

At the very least can we try and end the day?

@Ami can we get a VC?

Weā€™ve had like 15 hours of discussion total

Trying to end the day this earlier is anti-town

Yes, weā€™re on a timer, but thereā€™s no world in which the game could plausibly go for 13 days (which is what you get if you divide 200 by 15 and round down)

Arete, do you want to continue milking the clock or let people gather mechanical info

Weā€™ve literally had less time so far than D1 of an FoL

Oh so you want to wait at least 48 hours to end the day?

Well first of all D1 of an FoL is 24 hours not 48

But second of all weā€™re still getting useful social reads, ā€œletā€™s just hammer someone 15 hours inā€ is a stupid position to take unless thereā€™s literally an outed wolf

Like, assuming 1 KPN (which is basically the minimum assuming, like, thereā€™s a factional kill, and assumes that scum canā€™t gain additional KP/town doesnā€™t have KP at all), then right now we have 16 players alive

assume whatever combinations of correct lynches and incorrect lynches means the game doesnā€™t end early

16 players alive
1 lynch/1 kill
14 players alive on D2
1 lynch/1 kill
12 players alive on D3
1 lynch/1 kill
10 players alive on D4
1 lynch/1 kill
8 players alive on D5
1 lynch/1 kill
6 players alive on D6
1 lynch/1 kill
4 players alive on D7
no lynch to force a LyLo scenario (I donā€™t actually know if that would be a good idea because scum could have extra KP, but weā€™re assuming bare-minimum plausible KP)
1 kill
3 players alive on D8

the absolute maximum this game could plausibly last is 8 days

200/8 is 25

this means the absolute soonest itā€™s remotely reasonable to be thinking about ending the day is 25 hours in

we are 15 hours in

and thatā€™s not accounting for the fact that scum could have additional KP/town could have, like, a vig or something, and also not accounting for the fact that right now we have everyone alive

It also doesnā€™t account for the town having protectives, making no kills possible