[SFM] City Of Citizens - Day Four - Town wins!


  • Hello and welcome in another Special Forum Mafia game!

  • Today we are going to the home of the best role ever created: The City Of Citizens!

  • As you can guess, this is Citizen Theme game so don’t expect they won’t be ANY Citizens involved with it.

Hosted by Twil1ght and Marcus_Doodale


  1. No gamethrowing.
  2. No editing messages.
  3. No private messaging with others in the game about the game.
  4. Don’t show your role card to anyone without permission from the Host.
  5. Be active! After 24 hours you will be prodded and if you don’t answer in 12 hours, you would be replaced/modkilled.
  6. Don’t spread toxicity. If you’re upset or frustrated about something, please just hold it in yourself instead of expressing negative emotions by typing it in chat.
  7. Most importantly have fun! After all this is why you’re here.
  8. Breaking any of those rules will be effective in a warming and next attempts would be follow up replacing out or by potential modkill.


  • Days will be 2 IRL days long or shorter if someone would be lynched.
  • Nights will be 1 IRL day long.
  • Evils have a day and night chat.
  • Mafia has factional kill but it will consume your other actions.
  • Each player would got 2 Cards, Aligment Card and Role Card.
  • After somebody would die they won’t be shown their Aligment Card. However, there is a way to find out the Aligment.
  • As usual there gonna be balanced number of Town roles and Non-Town roles.


  • To accuse someone say “/lynch [player]” or “/vote [player]”.
  • If a player gets enough votes they would be lynched immediately and end the day.

Deathnotes and Journals:

  • There are allowed. The latest sended Journal would appear after you die.

How to Join:

  • Just say something like “/join”, “in” or whatever you want to express your interest in joining.

Role Cards:

Well, they are Citizens…and that’s it. Surprising right?
But what can I say is all role names are 100% Non Aligment Indicative.


  1. Marluzion
  2. htm
  3. Luxy
  4. Margaret
  5. hjisak
  6. Icibalus - King Of Citizens :crown:
  7. Livicus
  8. PoisonedSquid - Bloodthirsty Citizen
  9. PokemonKidRyan ——> MathBlade
  10. bazingaboy
  11. SweetyCake
  12. Firekitten


  1. Wolfy

Spectator Lobby:

  1. MaximusPrime
  2. Alice


Start of Game / D1
D1 / Luxy’s Reveal
D1 / Luxy’s Lynch and htm Suicide
N1 / Start Of D2
D2 / hjasik’s Lynch
N2 / Start Of D3


D1 - Luxy - Charismatic Citizen
D1 - htm - Benevolent Citizen
N1 - Margaret - Infected Citizen
D2 - hjasik - King Of Citizens :crown:
N2 - Marluxion - Ordinary Citizen
D3 - SweetyCake- Vengeful Citizen
D3 - Firekitten - Gifted Citizen
N3 - Livicus - Respectful Citizen
N3 - MathBlade - Litizen
N3 - bazingaboy - Husky Citizen

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/backup for now

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Hear me, hear me!

Wanted: Co-Host


  • Being active enough, to make VC’s and posting flips in case of deadline.
  • Not being involved in any other games as either Host or Player.


Are all the classes going to be citizens?

In some way, yes. :eyes:


Sounds interesting


Can we have an example name

Even though this is citizens I’m rlly excited for it for some reason

Something like:
[Name] Citizen

Why is it special forum mafia if it only has citizens? Is there like a special mechanic hidden here?

Who said how Citizens would look like? :thinking:



Also if there is indeed game with Citizens why it is closed setup? :thinking:

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Also people join this, I’m dead in a lot of games

waits patiently for people to join as Firekitten is dead in a lot of games

I might be interested in co hosting

Don’t think I"ll have enough time as a player when this starts

closed setups can have citizens

looks at thread title

Yea, you don’t say. :thinking:

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