[SFM] City Of Citizens - Day Four - Town wins!


Accused Accusers Number of Votes
hjasik Icibalus / Marluxion / bazingaboy 3/5

oh I thought majority is 6

Hjask any thoughts?

ok since this is so close to hammer I am gonna say that we would lynch Marl since he seems to be trying to push easy mislynch target
/vote Marl
after his reasoning of me not voting from start of the day I wanted to see what kind of wagon would form there and it didnt quiet work since I got only 3 votes on me the reason I think that was scummy becouse I rarely do early D1 votes unless mechanical info is revelead

You just made yourself 10x more obvious scum ngl.

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Hammer your buddy for towncred

no need for discussion
hjasik should have flipped yesterday but fucking nobody listens to me or ici


Accused Accusers Number of Votes
hjasik Icibalus / Marluxion / bazingaboy 3/5
Marluxion hjasik :crown: 2/5

I want sweet to come on first.

worry about them tomorrow

we remove the scum doublevoter 100% today

it’s like chess mafia
if “htm” aka hjasik isn’t hung
we lose

Cool, then wait. There’s literally zero reason to not wait right now.

I’m impatient
there’s a reason

Was there?

We had less then a couple of hours there.

hjasik voting his accuser is his standard town AI though :laughing:

Is it?
I’d need to look at other Hj games and think from there.
I don’t really get why you’d bring it up here though(?)

Yeah why would I bring up something that could save a potential mislynch

I am maf? Or am i?