[SFM] City Of Citizens - Day Four - Town wins!



Sign-ups have now closed, backups are open


Yo, sorry, gotta /out
I have my own baby to run.





Slot goes to Margaret due to unofficial co-host bias

JK Firekitten gets it ofc

Can’t we just expand the player list back to 16 :thinking:

Wooopppp. I VFM. Finally. Haven’t played many of those for a good while

/in we go

(inb4 I’m too late as usual cuz I’m sleeping or busy with school work or societies :crying_cat_face:)

You are. As usual

This is why it’s so important to update the OP because I saw a few spaces left :crying_cat_face:

I guess it’s time to back to original plan. :eyes:

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Or just put wolfy and margaret in the backups so we can finally start this

Shhh… I’m still busy, so I can’t start right away anyway.


Sign-ups are closed now. @Wolfy My apologies but I wasn’t able to edit OP, so unfortunately you were late, however I assign you as backup just in case.

Rolling may take some time, so please arm with patience.


/Confirm as neutral citizen :wink:


My name is SweetyCake, not SweetCake