[SFM] City Of Citizens - Day Four - Town wins!

Protect and lynched after :slight_smile:

No. I’ll actively protect Luxy if they agree to follow our kills.
If they don’t we’ll eliminate them.

Keeping a NK alive is bad. Reasons why.

NK wants balance in the factions. They will kill a town tonight no matter how much we threaten with a lynch as they know we need them more if a town dies

If main faction scum have as many votes as you say, then Luxy would have to follow our commands and kill maf tonight.
They cannot risk killing a town and getting outvoted

except that’s not the case there’s at most 3 mafia and then if it’s a EK it’s 4.

4 maf including EK = 5 votes.
12 people alive atm. 4 mafia, 1 NK, 7 town.
We’ll likely end up lynching a town if we don’t go for NK today. 7/11 chance.

So 4 mafia, 1 NK, 6 town.
If mafia and NK both kill a townie. It’s 4 mafia, 1 NK, 4 town.
If it’s EK then it’s 5 mafia votes vs 5 non-mafia. In which mafia have majority, vote up NK and win
NK thus NEEDS to kill a mafia tonight.

5 v 5 no one is going to vote the NK as that would be stupid.

That’s like the perfect scenario for them

Well then are we going to protect NK?

That’s where you’re completely wrong.
It’s game over in that scenario

I am going to protect the NK all I can.
As without them, we WILL lose and so will they.
We need to truce immediately

You are calling for the protect on NK, but how can we know you totally not evil?

Wouldn’t scum want to have NK alive to distract the Town?

5 v 4 v 1 TOWN Wont vote the NK. NK will be forced to kill mafia mafia be forced to kill town.

Then it’s literally perfect for the NK

not if they gain majority easily without the NK

Basically summary if we lynch mafia someone shoot them if not then don’t.

Your maths is completely and utterly wrong.
Let me explain why without letting other people jump at me

It literally is your math no one is going to vote the NK

Listen to me dude, I know what I’m saying.
Just wait a min

Discuss about the NK yourself, cuz im just a boring villager and cant decide on your choice.