[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

yeah why would I expect a loss as town. I wonder

So what are your general reads if you have any

We’ve lynched scum every day and have a vig town is still def in the running

We could wipe out NSF tonight technically

whysper intensify richard sus
I believe ur vig claim for now, but don’t particularly sr eli
I tr eevee and amelia the most


I was just thinking about something. If there’s an Illuminati Chief and their vote counts as 2 like in Deus Ex 2, then we can eliminate certain possibilities from the Leafia wagon.

The votes went like this: Centuries, Min, ATNo, Eli, Eevee, CRich.
If any of these people had 2 votes, then it should have hammered.
Then Centuries unvoted and Erika voted, which hammered.

I’m assuming now that Erika is UNATCO Chief and not Illuminati Chief since no one CC’d UNATCO Chief by now.

So based on the Leafia wagon, only the following people could be Illuminati Chief: Amelia, Derps, Intensify, Soul, Whysper.

Amelia was green checked by Min. Soul made the Enforcer claim when there were already 3 Enforcer claims, so that would be very stupid for scum to do. I was green checked by Amelia. Derps claims vig and is going to resolve himself tonight. So that just leaves Intensify as the most likely Illuminati Chief if there is one.

/vote Intensify

I’ll put that in the voting thread as well.

BTW, I need to head to bed in a bit, so if anyone is around and has questions for me, please ask soon. I will be asleep during EoD.

Actually I’m not sure when EoD is. I think the time shifted. But I might be asleep then or still getting ready in the morning or out before I get back to this thread.


Well then.

Eevee rescinded their Enforcer claim… : |

Also I’m being wagoned here which is ok whatever I’ll defend myself.

What do people think I am?

Do people think starting scum or convert anyways?

At the moment I think Illuminati Chief, which I assume is starting scum. I think some others were suspecting you might be converted.

Also what’s with the “Oh Intensify is not argueing” reasoning against me?

I don’t get into big arguments for a reason.

I prefer to question things instead of wasting time repeating myself over and over again in probably pointless debates.

Yeah, I’m not sure about that argument

Well then.

So one side thinks I’m starting scum while the other thinks I’m converted.

I want both sides to give all their reasonings for pushing me.

Cause the only argument I see is “Intensify not aggressive” and apperently my posts aren’t as solvey?
Both of those only work for convert reasoning and not starting scum reaaoning

I think someone did indeed say that it’s your personality to not get into arguments or something along those lines

Yes I don’t get into arguments.

Didn’t Leafia give reads day 1? You told me to heckle Leafia after and he already revealed his reads. Also, you can’t really blame me for being interested in you being fearful of death due to putting your reads and suspicions, that’s not something common that happens in FM.

If there is a Illuminati Chief, it has to be Erika.

Good afternoon

I’m a little nervous of quickhammering, how many votes are on intensify?