SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

Welcome to Deus Ex Forum Mafia game Enemy Within 2

Seven months ago after UNATCO Headquarters fell in Liberty Island near New York City by the hands of secret organization calls themselves The Illuminati. National Secessionist Forces (Also known as NSF) have claimed to be the attackers of the UNATCO Headquarters to give in demands to let the shipments reach the lower class, however this is fallen on deaf ears and there is no traces about this so called secret organization. UNATCO have managed to able locate one of but many NSF hideouts in Manhattan Downtown met with heavy resistance due to major hardware that NSF have accquired from shipment raiding where UNATCO is failing to keep the upper class happy and are now demanding to drive NSF out of New York State.

Two months ago, cities across the state have seen skirmishes between NSF and UNATCO but it appears the winning side is none other than UNATCO thanks to their agents specialized in various acts of infiltration and assassinations towards the command structure of National Secessionist Forces but for some reason NSF seems to be replacing more than UNATCO will hope to eliminate the officers and that is not the end of it. More and more UNATCO Agents are disappearing despite the huge success of driving NSF out of New York State.

it’s time we shall finish the job.



Day Hours will be 72 hours long
Night Hours will be 24 hours long
Actions will be done by messaging me
NSF will talk through a Forum PM
All dead players will talk through a Forum PM
When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it.


To accuse someone say /Accuse [Player] or /Vote [Player] in bold with pinging my name @Frostwolf103 by typing @ Frostwolf103, this way I can keep track on the votes.

The most votes of majority ends the day with immediate lynch of the accused. They are allowed to say their final word before execution begins.

Special mechanics (This game is unbalanced and bastard, you have been warned)

1 This game allow no logs posted on reveals when you are dead
2. NSF and Illuminati are allowed to kill their own members
3. Class cap of UNATCO classes are 3
4. The game ends with 1 faction remaining, Rogue Agent does not count as faction.
5. Your role abilities are limited to use. Only UNATCO CHIEF can replenish all your uses.
6. UNATCO Chief and all NSF roles are not guaranteed faction-wise so they can be rolled as Illuminati too.
7. Illuminati faction cap is 3
8. Rogue Agent can choose their kill ability and their second passive permamently.
9. Illuminati will flip in green or red according to their roles until they flip in blue when they all died or Rogue Agent dies.
10. There is feedback in this game however some abilities will not let you show feedback

New game mechanics

1 Your role reveal can be erased by Rogue Agent or Hitman
2. Introducing UNATCO Guard, UNATCO Enforcer, UNATCO Agent, NSF Bomber and NSF Hitman, UNATCO Janitor is removed
3. Rogue Agent, UNATCO Chief, UNATCO Specialist, NSF Leader, NSF Goon, Illuminati Trooper, Illuminati Professor, Illuminati Leader and Illuminati Goon gets overhauled
4. UNATCO Trooper does not commit suicide when killing Illuminati player that have UNATCO class.
5. Reminder that if player tries to use ability and Enforcer is trying to defuse the bomb - it will still go off and explode
6. Illuminati faction only get to know names of their members
7. Illuminati player(s) on NSF will only talk in NSF chat
8. There is one bastard mechanic that is waiting to be discovered…good for you to find out about this by now.

To Join

To join, simply express in joining by saying something like /I want to join or /join or /in or /sign me up, coach. You must type it in bold.


NSF Leader / Illuminati Leader
NSF Goon / Illuminati Goon
NSF Bomber / Illuminati Bomber
NSF Hitman / Illuminati Hitman
Rogue Agent
UNATCO Chief / Illuminati Chief
Random UNATCO Member / Illuminati Member
Random UNATCO Member / Illuminati Member
Random UNATCO Member / Illuminati Member
Random UNATCO Member
Random UNATCO Member
Random UNATCO Member
Random UNATCO Member
Random UNATCO Member
Random UNATCO Member
Random UNATCO Member

UNATCO Classes


Mayor Class
The Diplomatic Face of UNATCO (Passive) - Your votes counts as two
Ops Bonus (Night) - A player gets replenished of all uses tonight.
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

UNATCO Trooper

Vigilante Class
Friendly Fire (passive) - You commit suicide next night after killing a UNATCO Player
Shoot to kill (Night) - Kill a player - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

UNATCO Professor

Healer Class
Medpack (Night) - Heals the player or yourself from attacks - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

UNATCO Specialist

Cop Class
Bioscanner (Night) You check player’s faction - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way


Watcher Class
Surveillance Camera (Night) - You watch who visit the target, your action does not count as visit - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

UNATCO Enforcer

Bodyguard Class
I do not move outta way! (Night) - You stop everyone from visiting the target and you can remove the bomb - 3 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way


Follower Class
Loyalty to UNATCO (Passive) - When you got Ops Bonus, your ability replenished and doubles the usage to 4 uses.
Espionage (Night) – Discover target’s ability they are using tonight – 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

NSF Classes

NSF Leader

Godfather Class
Don’t shoot I surrender! (Passive) - You have body armor that protects against attacks - 1 use
No criminal records (Passive) - You show as UNATCO when investigated
Propaganda (Day) - Frame the player tonight or you can choose to make NSF member shown as UNATCO tonight - 3 uses
Orders (Night) - You choose NSF Member or yourself to attack a player
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

NSF Goon

Goon Class
Right Hand Mob (Passive) - You will turn into new NSF Leader when old NSF Leader dies.
Hardware (Night) - Your attack will bypass healing and guard - 0 uses (Requires Ops Bonus)
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

NSF Hitman

Janitor Class
Fake ID Tags (Day) - When someone is executed from trial then you decide how the accused should flip from class - 2 shareable uses
Cleaner Products (Night) - The player that got killed by faction kill becomes unrecognisable of class and faction next day - 2 shareable uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

NSF Bomber

Trapper Class
A bomb! (Day) - A bomb has been planted at player’s room that gets informed, the bomb explodes when player use ability or when visitor go the player’s room - killing them all - 1 use
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

Rogue Agent Class

Rogue Agent

Serial Killer Class
Body Armor (Passive) - You become immune to attack tonight - 1 uses
Weapon choice (???)
Mod choice (???)
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

IIluminati Classes

Illuminati Chief

Mayor Class
The Diplomatic Face of UNATCO (Passive) - Your votes counts as two
Fabricated Ops Bonus (Night) The Player that receives Ops Bonus gets no feedback except for Illuminati members – infinite uses
Your objective is eliminate all opposing factions that stand in your way

Illuminati Trooper

Vigilante Class
Stealth Generator (Passive) - You will not be shown by Guard
Shoot to kill (Night) - Kill a player - 2 uses
Your objective is eliminate all opposing factions that stand in your way

Illuminati Professor

Healer Class
Sedatives (Day) - You inject sedatives to someone will receive no feedback tonight and using sedatives on same player next day will die of overdose in the following night - 2 uses.
Medpack (Night) - Heals the player or yourself from attacks - 2 uses
Your objective is eliminate all opposing factions that stand in your way

Illuminati Specialist

Cop Class
Clearance (Passive) - When the target you visit tonight get framed then you are informed about it.
Bioscanner (Night) You check player’s faction - 2 uses
Your objective is eliminate all opposing factions that stand in your way

Illuminati Guard

Watcher Class
Hidden Camera (Passive) - You get informed separately from night ability who visits all Illuminati members
Surveillance Camera (Night) - You watch who visit the target, your action does not count as visit- 2 uses
Your objective is eliminate all opposing factions that stand in your way

Illuminati Enforcer

Bodyguard Class
Above the law (Passive) – Illuminati members can move past your guard tonight, this will not trigger the bomb.
I do not move outta the way! (Night) - You stop everyone from visiting the target and you can remove the bomb - 3 uses
Your objective is eliminate all opposing factions that stand in your way

Illuminati Agent

Follower Class
Double Agent (Passive) – Ops Bonus replenish and doubles your usage to 4 uses and you also get to know who the player is targeting.
Espionage (Night) – Discover target’s ability they are using tonight – 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

Illuminati Leader

Godfather Class
Don’t shoot I surrender! (Passive) - You have body armor that protects against attacks - 1 use
No criminal records (Passive) - You show as UNATCO when investigated
Bribe (Day) - Frame the player tonight or you can choose to make NSF/Illuminati member shown as UNATCO tonight - 3 uses
Orders (Night) - You choose NSF Member or yourself to attack a player
Your objective is eliminate all opposing factions that stand in your way

Illuminati Goon

Goon Class
Ascension (Passive) - You will turn into new Illuminati Leader when old NSF/Illuminati Leader dies.
Interrogation (Night) - Your kill will bypass healing and guard, you get to know all player’s actions - 0 uses (Requires Ops Bonus)
Your objective is eliminate all opposing factions that stand in your way

Illuminati Hitman

Janitor Class
Fake ID Tags (Day) - When someone is executed from trial then you decide how the accused should flip from class - 2 shareable uses
Cleaner Products (Night) - The player that got killed by faction kill becomes unrecognisable of class and faction next day - 2 shareable uses
Your objective is eliminate all opposing factions that stand in your way

Illuminati Bomber

Trapper Class
Bomb Delivery(Passive) - You can plant the bomb on yourself and will pass over when player visits you at night, the bomb will go off when visitor goes to your player except for Enforcer
A Bomb! (Day) - A bomb has been planted at player’s room that gets informed, the bomb explodes when player use ability or when visitors go the player - killing them all - 1 use
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way[/spoiler]

Player List

1: Luxy NSF Leader
2: Bazingaboy
3: Sam17z [ERROR!]
4: Nerbins NSF Hitman
5: Gamerpoke UNATCO Chief
6: RagnaroekIV UNATCO Professor
7: Overthebin
8: Marluxion UNATCO Agent
9: PokemonKidRyan [ERROR!]
10: Eevee UNATCO Enforcer
11: WazzaAzza
12: Isaac_Gonzalez NSF Leader
13: Solic
14: Braixen [ERROR!]
15: Margaret [ERROR!]
16: Geyde - NSF Bomber




Day 1 Starts
Geyde has been lynched D1!
Day 2 starts
Nerbins have been lynched D2!
Day 3 Starts
Isaac_Gonzalez have been lynched D3!
Day 4 Starts
Luxy has been lynched D4!
Day 5 Starts


Frostwolf103 - Killed at N0 - The Bum that screams at you
Geyde - Lynched at D1 - NSF Bomber
Eevee - Killed at N1 - UNATCO Enforcer
Margaret - Killed at N1 - ERROR! DATA CORRUPTED!
Nerbins - Lynched at D2 - NSF Hitman
Gamerpoke - Killed at N2 - UNATCO Chief
Braixen - Killed at N2 - ERROR! DATA CORRUPTED!
Marluxion - Killed at N2 - UNATCO Agent
Isaac_Gonzalez - Lynched at D3 - NSF Leader
PokemonKidRyan - Killed at N3 - ERROR! DATA CORRUPTED!
Luxy - Lynched at D4! - NSF Leader
Sam17Z - Killed at N4! - ERROR! DATA CORRUPTED!
RagnaroekIV - Killed at N4! - UNATCO Professor


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I couldn’t think of anything more clever to say than “I never asked for this” meme, so I will just /join.

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Oh and in case that you going to check if the spreadsheet link from previous game is there - no I have removed it since I am lazy to make new one and just rewrite everything.

Because if I left it there and the game started, I want no cheating involved.

You’re…you’re joking, right?

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May as well read the OP thread for changes

What happend in last one?


Bad things, Hja.
I’ll quote one moment that sums up the game the most.



Mafia and town got screwed

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That happens when both scum factions have chat function.

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Other than that, it’s fine.

Hell yeeeea!
The pineapple of all FM has finally arrived!

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Um, Frost, explain this.


Where’s Ryan’s post that shit on the game?

Why does NK have one vest

Should have saved that link :frowning: