[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

That’s certainly a possibility too. There were lots of people protected.

Do you have a card like a class card of The Nsf leader of last game?

Well actually, for N1, who was protected? My slot didn’t protect anyone. Eevee was self-protecting.

Or from any game

I had a theory that illuminati is actually just fake idk tho maybe that holds some weight I’d think this plauge thing would have had an effect by now

Here’s the one from Deus Ex 2.

4 v 12 is kinda balanced


11 > 9 (with converts) vs 1 > 3 / 4 just seems detrimental to town

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Here’s my curiosity

Eevee claimed joat

Is there a possibility that nsf leader here is joat? I’m personally learning towards thinking that’s strange

Well, there was that theory of ATNo’s about that.

That maybe the NSF Leader is Paul Denton (I think that’s the name), the brother of J.C. Denton who defected.

Ah yeah

That’s a reasonable theory too

Bbl for a bit gotta do some stuff we should use today to the full extent if we can

I’m surpised this game is still going at day 8 like jeez my longest fm/fol game


Actually I need to go out for a bit as well, but I’ll check back again


But yes, we should take all the time we can on this. We really should have plenty of info. We just need to piece it all together.

We have 5 players yeah (let’s assume it’s gf and one convert as our scum.)


We hang nsf leader and town will probably win 3v1 as illuminati has no kp

We hang convert and again it’s 3v1 but nsf has a chance of winning 2v1 unless found

We hang town and it’s 2v1v1. Town loses here and so does illuminati unless last town maybe works with illuminati out of pity or something

We don’t hang today. That’s 3v1v1

If nsf shoots another town, that’s 2v1v1

If nsf shoots convert, that’s 3v1

Town has a harder chance if town is shot, while if convert is shot, town has a good chance at winning.

Optimal play is to kill the NSF leader and hope we get the convert tomorrow

I don’t think it matters if NSF leader kills illuminati and we no lynch today because math-wise

3v1 means if we hang town the NSF leader has to kill erika that night.

I do think Its possible I might get pushed for that reason but I don’t want people to just blindly trust me “cuz I’m useful”

Huh, interesting, I wasn’t aware how much dead NSF were writing about me till I backread them.

Anyone around?

I’m alive

I’m around as well