[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

I mean Transporter is pretty much Bus Driver so I get both terms.

Maybe Ping Eevee since they are not in thread?

Okay Iā€™m back and not embarrassed anymore

@Frostwolf103 can we get a vc?

Tomorrow morning I think.

I think itā€™s impossible that both pkr got tampered with and min checked a gf

I should get drunk before end of day and get miss yeeted

What time tomorrow morning though?

Like around 12 pm est

Itā€™s far from impossible. Unlikely though yes.

Okay and thanks.

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Oh wow really hard.

Bus Driver has decided to Bus Drive Surge with Bomber
Cop has decided to check GF.

Fuckin Impossible.

Imagine youā€™re recruited to the mafia and you drive busses lmao

one is unlikely, both is not worth considering especially this early. Especially since the cop checks are going to become outdated down the line. We need to use our info in the short term not outguess ourselves.

Iā€™ll laugh if it turns out that BD bus drove Surge with Amelia.

How do they have a correlation.

You cannot multiply chance.

If you roll a dice 1 out of 6 and land on 6 twice both chances had a 1 out of 6 seperatly instead of doing math stuff and adding up the chance

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Thatā€™s what weā€™re currently trying to do.

Not sure what you mean but I think it would be funny if the Bus Driver was Town that Bus Drived me and the Planter and then gets converted by Cult and changes Role Claim.

Iā€™ll laugh when bus driver doesnā€™t exist

It likely does.

Oh no that was an off topic meme joke I meant like in real life donā€™t worry