[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Bioscanner. Why you ask?

Okay leafia town

Paraphrase :eyes: although claimvig in this would proudly be op.

a its fine

Inb4 scum have fakeclaims

No because scum would have fake claims

I think the host has thought about this kind of scenario

Oh okay so Iā€™ll still check them tonight

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they prolly do, but thatā€™d be crazy wp on leafias part idk. I believe it.

I agree with this actually. Scum have the classcard of their fakeclaim most likely.

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You donā€™t have to I actually donā€™t advise doing so if you have limited uses

I mean fake claims can come with abilities


Imagine making the most obvious statement ever.

I mean if youā€™ve been in any closed setup you know scum would likely been given fake claims

This is a good idea. I approve.

I mean claiming the role and then pretending not to know the name when min claimed it would be some next level scum play.

Yup. Iā€™ve been in quite a few of them.

Okay okay so

@Leafia donā€™t check me tonight alright? I donā€™t want to check mostly because even though we would have possible confirmed town I have 1 charge left and I wanna keep that and throw it on people who I have genuine suspicions for

Or could just be her not remembering/reading her fake claim all the way

Iā€™m not checking you tonight.