[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins



The threads going to die now with my sanity

Kinda hoping for some fresh content

Blame PKR

Iā€™m convinced min just wanted to hit a certain post count before heading out to grandmamaā€™s :wink:


Well for someone who has accepted death, theyā€™re fighting against it.
Time to compare Wild West to this game in regards to Surge.

we can talk about Eevee

or the bomb

Ok so what do bombs do Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a way of factional killing.

Does anyone have a bomb on them?

Pretty sure NSF has a standard factional kill and the bomb is extra KP

Iā€™m pretty sure it wonā€™t be this easy.

Well if anyine knows where the bomb is I urge them to speak up :joy_cat:

If thereā€™s a factional kill its weird that no one died maybe scum have a choice between bombing players or killing.

Like that could generally explain the lack of deaths

Missed this, Well played

I feel like this Surge vs PKR thing has distracted us from the NK. Where is the NK? Is the bomb the NK? Was it blocked?

@ChopChop tell me why PKR canā€™t be a wolf

Wut wr have a neutral killer and 2 scum factions?

Or you saying night kill

The NK is less confirmed, but we do have 2 scum factions with one that has a factional kill. Whereā€™s the kill?

A role blocker prolly outs here, so Iā€™d rule that out. Bomb could in theory be factional since a delayed kill is more likely to screw over the cl.

Or the CL could be bulletproof

I mean Eevee did say the bomb used to kill the target and everyone visiting the target that night.