[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Anyway so basically you want everyone else to be able to play the game without two old players basically dominating it all?

That’s understandable

But that doesn’t mean you shouldnt exist either

If you know or think someone’s scum? There is no reason to hide it because you don’t want to dominate the game. Give your input and explain why. I’d rather win the game instead of lose it because someone wants everyone else to have a chance to figure it out and in reality we wont

This actually happened few times. Lol.

I remember game where I finally stepped in in LyLo, took the lead, lynched scum, gave clues where is last one, replaced out…
And town still lost it.

Admitably I shouldn’t have replaced out.

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This is why I think you should keep talking.

You shouldn’t be scared of leading the game. Not at all- you will still give people a learning experience and you will still help them.

Even if you do alot, that’s not a bad thing. You’re helping and you can cause a win which is good.

Please don’t give up or not try because you want people to “learn.” We will learn more if you explain to us and help us.


day started at 8 pm EST right?

About yeah

well I’m going to keep my vote on Intensify for now and then make my decision later.

Don’t understand why Eevee rambled so much about how PKR got listened to bc he’s been here for longer than many of us whatever when truth is that most people already TR’d him more than Seth + the way he outed his info made sense + bomber is a pre-existing role in this setup so it made sense but like

idk dont really feel like solving tbh

I’m not like positive there’s 2 wolves in Derps/Eli

Still think Derps being so non active makes him look giga worse because lol he’s on wagon with flipped scum

On the other hand Eli looks pretty frozen, don’t know, should’ve pressured him earlier, now he’ll look kinda bad regardless

Factually speaking his vote on me kinda sucks, intention was okay just really really stupid

Meh I’m not like deadset on Derps tbh

I think derps could be nsf.

I think there’s a p high chance of him being nsf


You haven’t really done anything to prove you aren’t other then claim vig

Why is that scummy

Actually let me rephrase that

What have I don’t to prove that I am scum

Also, why do you think I’m a claim vig

Iv yet to kill anyone and theirs plenty of claims to do so

I never called u a claim vig? I said you’ve done nothing but claim to be vig

u don’t try to defend urself you haven’t played the game and you actively aren’t helping or trying to find scum ur just doing like nothing but letting the game go by

Like at least try and help and not just overall do nothing

Okay and why is that scummy

That is literally self explanatory?