[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Tbf i wouldnt mind you going back and analysing my posts.

I never wanted to come across as I knew what I was doing with my reads literally they were my quick thoughts but people took them for me going through isos and stuff

I gotchu

Like bruh I’m not going to make a thicc isos post on d4 :frowning:

I kijda fricked myself with not doing d1 reads and noting them down like normal

I hate you

Don’t worry, I hate myself as well.

Don’t we all

Is there actually a seperate vote thread and I’m just fucking mental

so are you done confessing? Because you should actually take a look at those coins that I gave you.

Is this in reply to me or what


Confessing what that I kinda find you scummy

What coins I’m getting paid for this?

well I didn’t know how to describe it, but like what you posted a minute ago.


I actually introduced this idea to forum some time ago.

Altho I’m not sure if to be proud of that, considering I did it solo becouse of being too lazy to scroll whole thread to create vote counts. Lol.

I like you socially, but mechanically you’re anti town af, and I could interpret this whole thing as theater as a scum version of that role. If I had it I’d have SAVED PKR MAYBE. And I hate you for that.

Wheres the voting thread wut

nah those coins were actually town points.

When was this a feature

I sent a link soul

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