[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Like I said, who is it?


Hey, you here?

Iā€™m wondering what youā€™re thinking rn.


We still have like days to figure it out.

Playing pokemons rn, sup

based af

Do you agree that intensify is scum?

Weā€™ve had weeks to come up with something :roll_eyes:

But surely it canā€™t only be me whoā€™s in PoE.
There has to be someone else

You are the only one without a single sr

How the hell is that possible.
We have a Godfather and Illuminati Leader left presumably.

Idk how itā€™s possible. You tell me.

I know how.

Youā€™ve miscleared 2 people then.

Who is like really really cleared and who is not.

I definitely can not be the only person who is not cleared











We have these 10 people here

1 is Nfw Godfather
1 is Illuminati Leader
2 are converts

How am I supposed to fit all of those categories as one person?

I know that Min is almost never scum socially
So theyā€™re not on the list
Eevee is a Joat who confirms SDA and PK, since SDA shot PK and PK visited themselves I assume.


That leaves those 5
Soul and Erika are semi-cleared I guess?
Amelia is pretty good, but Amelia is just gone apperently. I havenā€™t seen Amelia talk much in a while or Iā€™m just forggetting when they speak
That leaves

Is there any reason those 2 are cleared?

I think you misunderstand. Idk who you suspect. I only really think eevee, soul, and derps arenā€™t nsf rn, but any of the two could be culted in some fringe tinfoil way.

These two I guess.
I think Amelia is converted after leaving the thread, but we donā€™t focus on converts.

and socially I feel amelia isnā€™t cl or nsf leader.

Soul claiming 4th Enforcer is definitely a bold move, which is why I donā€™t suspect them.

Ya p confident heā€™s neither leader, but for sure not nsf

Accused Voters Count
Intensify SoulShade55r, Min, AtNoName 3/6
Whysper Intensify 1/6

Iā€™ll place my vote on Whysper for now, since theyā€™re one of the 2 unconfirmed.
Someone tell me if theyā€™re confirmed by something else or something.