[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Amelia/You/Soul\Derps (hopefully not Derps tbh)

With a division of teams if you could.

Could u elaborate on what that means

I just woke up, sorry abt that

Like what faction or whatever?

If so thatā€™s illuminati and I think whys is gf tbh

4-man illuminati?


Do you mean the part about how the CL maybe didnā€™t convert? I did read that and wasnā€™t quite sure I followed completely. I had originally thought Iā€™d see where your line of thinking and questioning of Min led, but then forgot about that.

Thereā€™s a slash thatā€™s backwards between u and derps

One of u is convert

I got the impression you were saying the CL also requires ops bonus to continue converting? Or did I misunderstand that?

me and derps
soul and derps

You have 2nd pair in your post.

Oh wait yeah Iā€™m really tired Iā€™m sorry Jesus



Iā€™m probably gonna go back to sleep, do you mind?

Fine @Whysper

Are you still around?

Yes, Iā€™m here

Iā€™ll be better to talk to later


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BTW, what do you think the chances are that the NSF Leader was also starting Illuminati?

1/16 th

Actually 1/7th rn.

Haha, okay. Yes, so it is certainly possible.

Actually letā€™s get back to my questioning.

I saw you were around

Illu: Min / Amelia / ???

NSF: eevee

Could you fill the ā€œ???ā€ part?