[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins


But that’s already us getting down to “there shouldn’t be 3 illuminati” scenario, which is the conclusion of first part of discussion.

But to be through - is there any 3/3/1 scenario which makes sense to you left?


Okay, I was trying to start scenarios where it was you and Soul as Illu because again I only see Soul being scum if he’s Illu with you.

Town: Whysper, Erika
Illu: Eevee, Soul, ?
NSF: ?

Then I still can’t see Amelia as NSF because of interactions with Leafia and CRich. So she’s either 3rd Illu or town.

Town: Whysper, Erika, Amelia
Illu: Eevee, Soul, Min
NSF: Derps


Town: Whysper, Erika, Min
Illu: Eevee, Soul, Amelia
NSF: Derps

Hmmm, those don’t look quite right, but that’s kind of where I’d end up

I almost want to make some sort of chart and start crossing out possibilities. Haha. :slight_smile:

Derps cannot be NSF, cause he visited Eli when Centuries died.

Anything else?

Ahh okay.

Well hmmm.

Even though I think Erika is town, if we play with the possibility that she’s Illu, then that would have to make Min and Derps with her since she gave them ops.

Town: Whysper, Soul, Amelia
Illu: Erika CL, Min, Derps
NSF: Eevee

Or rather fake ops

Tbh I would need to ask about it, but I believe Erika is only role which couldn’t really start as CL.

Due to this.

“Ops Bonus from UNATCO faction”

Ahhh yes, that’s true. But she could have been converted I suppose.

Hmm, if she was converted, it would be later. Maybe even after giving Min ops. But it would have to be before ops for Derps, so that would be fake. Hmmm…

I don’t think Erika really works as Illu. That’s why she’s about the only other person I consider definitely town.

Also that would mean Illuminati has majority and could simply hammer one person, and kill another one at night.

Which would be surefire victory tbh.

Yeah, true with the double vote. So yeah, even more reinforcement for idea that Erika has to be town.

Anything else scenariowise?

Well, I’m trying to think if there could be any other explanation for Soul doing the 4th Enforcer claim if he wasn’t working with you…

I guess he could be a converted Enforcer

So he would definitely know he was true on the Enforcer part. And so claimed. But I wonder if he thought NSF was faking Enforcer claim? Maybe.

Town: Whysper, Erika, Derps
Illu: Amelia, Min, Soul
NSF: Eevee

I guess that’s where that line of thinking would end up

I’m pretty sure that’s the last 3/3/1 scenario I can think of