[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Hey soul, any thoughts? Do you think the gf is whys or amelia? (Or someone else)

Also if you donā€™t believe it s amelia why vote for her?

Oh, I entirely agree that I appear to be the most likely for GF from an outside POV. I canā€™t refute it mech-wise. Thatā€™s why all I can do is try to help solve who the real GF is as best as possible. And again, this is why I think Amelia is the best lynch. Sheā€™ll give the most info. She still could be GF. But if not, sheā€™s highly likely to be Illu.

But if I absolutely had to only go for GF, I would say Eevee appears the most likely out of the pool of Amelia, Eevee, and Min.

I just donā€™t want to risk taking out Eevee if they are town because they are the most likely able to help us figure out what to do.

So I place odds on voting Amelia as the best path to victory for town.

Youā€™re aware that if Amelia rolls town and it ends up being a 2-3-1, youā€™ll most likely be hung next, right?


Illuminati just wins

Iā€™m just considering likely odds for town victory. Amelia has the highest likelihood of flipping scum.

I see

@Amelia can you respond or defend yourself?

And thereā€™s still a chance weā€™re in a 5-1-1 or 4-2-1 situation. Fair chance that Gorta was CL and only got one convert. Or that the CL only had 2 charges and failed on 1 or both, especially with all the protection going around.

Imagining the idea of a 5-1-1 situationā€¦ hahaā€¦

Whoever was converted is absolutely screwed here tbh

@SirDerpsAlot sup

Oh, I know. This could be hilarious in the end. Here weā€™ve mostly been talking about how Illu has a sure win and has been doing great, when that lonely person is just sweating it out and hoping they squeak through. :slight_smile:

If Amelia does roll town Iā€™m gonna start assuming itā€™s a 4-2-1 situation (well if Amelia dies today and is town that means itā€™s a 3-2-1 situation)

Iā€™ll suspect you a lot tbh

Obviously gf is either whysper of someone we havenā€™t really put much thought towards.

Honestly tho I donā€™t think anyone is 100% confirmed not gf just others have mexh bias and erika has a double vote and confirmed op bonus (so theyā€™re literally really unlikely to be nsf leader unless that role has a double vote).

I think primarly NSF leader is likely whysper or Amelia, I do feel like Amia has a big chance of being cult but less of a cahnce of being nsf leader then whys.

Its hard to tell if someone like eevee could possibly be NSF leader but I can realise that eevee isnā€™t really a typical player and possibly can pull off social stunts easily and has excellent knowledge over this game.

Mins possible but would require strong bussing, I think this goes back to the amelia arguement.

Derps if NSF leader can doublr visit can be the way heā€™s NSF leader but at this point Iā€™m gambling on them being town.

Unsure who Iā€™m voting for I still think theirs a chance whysper flips town i feel like we pretty much assumed both intenisfy and atno would flip NSF leader and weā€™ve been really incorrect about them.

Iā€™m probably just tired and over speculating town needs a scum lynch or we lose Thatā€™s how dire I think it is

None at all.

All mechanics about them is coming from theirs own actions.

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Are you here?

fine @Whysper are you here?