[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

It is actually my actions can single handily save or ruin the game.

Oh cool, how itā€™s impossible?

Me protecting someone it doesnā€™t matter who, but it should be literally obvious that it isnā€™t someone Iā€™m voting or pushing

Only one day mattered.

And everyone else understands why, except you still prefer to withoild information on day 7.
Are you serious?

By Night 3 all of us were outted. So very likely one of doublevote, named townie, and vig were recruited.

I couldnā€™t be recruited on night 3.

Visit prevention.

You seem to be talking to soul like he is town, idk man

So you want me to out night actions for ā€œwitholidingā€ infomation because its d7

Instead of realising that why Iā€™m doing so isnā€™t because I can afford giving that sort of infomation to scum in the first place.

Like itā€™s very fucking vital i be careful what I say scum can easily play around me if I out infomation like that at this point

Cause I believe they are, otherwise I wouldnā€™t be asking to be protected 2 days ago by Soul over Whysper.

I also do believe this game makes no sense with 3 scum leading it.
Unless itā€™s basiclly you leading it to ā€œwe donā€™t have a chanceā€ world.

Then good job, you are succesful.

Succesfula t tilting me and discouraging everyone else from fucking participating.

How is it more vital then figuring who is scum?

How does it help you figure out scim

Thatā€™s my point

soul who do you want to vote?
Eevee if you and soul are town then you also think derps is town and they missed a recruit or two?

Cause again - Amelia started with TMI-like push on you and Whysper.

Figuring out if they are NSF who pushed like that becouse of hitting immune or protection can figure out both them and CL.

How many times do I have to explain this?

Like I said it will be easy to guess who I didnā€™t protect based on who ive been saying is scummy ectā€¦

Of course certain people like derps would have been out the question

I believe Derps is town.

More then I believe in Soul actually.

Amelia honestly

Whyspers fine aswell Iā€™m tired and itā€™s 10am so Iā€™m likely not competent enough to think about it

Derps is town or we lose

Simple fact

I was only asking if you protected yourself, not who you protected.
I donā€™t care if you were on Erika or not protected at all.

You witholden crucial information when some player is having TMI-like push.

And if there was no kill and NSF has information who they hit, I want to lynch that person to remove fucking illuminati from here.

Yes. That is crucial information.