[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Also, have you seen me talking to Derps at all today?

I mean Iā€™m not too opposed to the idea

Nah but I know your huge brain

You know you canā€™t direct someone into doing somethign without tlaking with them, right?

True I havenā€™t really seen anything that youā€™ve said to derps but I know youā€™d likely want tl or at least persuade him in a way

I meant today anyway

You think I would most likely do it as scum, yet I didnā€™t and thatā€™s why Iā€™m scum?

Do I udnerstand it right?


Accused Voters Count
Whysper Amelia 1/4
Amelia Whysper, Min 2/4

2 hours and 30 minutes remaining

No Iā€™m mainly saying youā€™d probably suggest such a thing as scum


I donā€™t think it socially makes you impossible to be converted or nsf because you suggest derps to shoot.

Also two posts that have different context and backing

The first was based on what you could have or planned to do on day 6, I had no knowledge of interaction or at least cannot remember any good interaction today

With derps ^

I might have fucked up or not making sense Iā€™m really tred lol

Okay, is there any chance you will follow my lead instead of Erikaā€™s?

Iā€™m voting amelia in like 10 minutes cuz i really need to sleep Iā€™m trying to keep awake incase itā€™s a bad vote

Probably not but you can try to convince me.

Iā€™m open to ideas I just donā€™t have the time or energy which is bad

All Iā€™m calling for is finally reevaluting stuff.

We got 2 missyeets in a row, Erika was on all of them, quickhammered some lynches as well.
I donā€™t trust them anymore.

And not even in ā€œthey are scumā€ way, but rather in ā€œI donā€™t careā€.
Which they actually said multiple times.

They just want this game finished, and I want to win it.
Thatā€™s the difference.

Well Iā€™m making my vote soon Iā€™m going to try and stay up for a little longer but I donā€™t want to accidentally fall asleep

Look, if Erika cared about reading this game they wouldnā€™t be walking aroudn saying itā€™s lost and we are boned.

Iā€™m trying to gather the people and come with new solutions.

If they cared they wouldnā€™t acusse me of being NSF, when itā€™s clear I canā€™t be one.
If they cared they wouldnā€™t deny my idea of convert wasted on PKR n2, ā€œCause cult convert n1 and n3ā€, and then say I could be converted, despite visit prevention on n3, cause I could be converted n2 or n4.


They are contradicting themselves to make it fit.

ā€¦ actually if CL is dead (gorta), Erika could be cult, now that It hink about it, but thatā€™s pretty much only scenario, considering refills and doublevote.


Yeah, this scenario can wait till tommorow anyway.