[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

As you not being scum* - 1

Min or whys today*

I did genuinely town read you as you showed a lot of concern for the game and you were oushing for infomation heck yesterday you showed that you didnā€™t want to push amelia

Iā€™m not too sure anymore I donā€™t know if you consider me attacking your character is scummy other then being your complicit yes man

I feel like I needed to say something though to get it all out there and clear for myself even if I have to now fight a uphill battle

  1. That explains nothing?

You told me to not metagame, then you asked me to prove it.

If you think it breaks the rules, then you just pushed me to break the rules.
Which is breaking the rules in itself btw.

Then when I said I shouldnā€™t say more, you said itā€™s suspicious.
Whys digged up more stuff about it, without pushing someone to break the rules.

You was more interested in complaining that I donā€™t want to get modkilled.

  1. You asked about (incorrect and possibly scum) flavor to know how it proves me?

Then when I said itā€™s not my flavor complained that it changes nothing?


  1. Thatā€™s also not explaining anything?

Here you have previous spreadsheet. AGAIN.

I want to know how you came to conclusion that this role not being made up bullshit, but being proven to exist before is making me more likely to be scum.


Go, this time actually explain those.

I do.

Becouse I didnā€™t brought up character to begin with.

You started discussing that Iā€™m other character, then use this as your argument to analyze me, which when disproven apparently means nothing and itā€™s still scummy.



You around?

Whats good?

That does explain what i said on nimb 1 so u can f off with that you claim to have important game information Iā€™m not 100% sure what you meant at the time a mod or host pm donā€™t confirm you bub

Iā€™m questioning your integrity

Youā€™ve got Min level anger rn

Iā€™d cool off a little you seem upset and I donā€™t wanna see a friend upset

Whats round I suggest something that eevee takes extreme offence to because it involves hom being possible scum

WELL HE should not claim it was a fucking important reason not to scum read him and act like it was fuxkingbouted info


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I just woke up after napp


Maybe Iā€™m crazy and judt scummy because I donā€™t want to agree with everything and not look at other possibilities

I hate how eevee is acting like this is me campaigning for them to be ueeted

I was trying to confirm they were ā€œtownā€ and look at the weight of his mech confirmation

Listen buddy chum pal maybe you donā€™t understand this but in the closed setups Iā€™ve been in the hosts gives you fake claims as scum this can include your role.