[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

My progession on dwad illuminati:


Techniclly gorta, but I donā€™t even remember them playing.

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In all seriousness if gorta theory is true the only thing I remember saying about him was his tone was really weird and he was posting a lot for someone commonly known as a slanker

I do want to know what clears or at least makes min less likely NSF then whysper or (me)

Keeo in mind we donā€™t have a lot of time to sit around anymore

10 hours and 34 minutes left until EoD

I found no votes in the vote count yet.

I donā€™t think leafia feels the need to save an outted surge if one of their own is still dominating the thread. Min has been p good socially, and if gorta was cl, min never had any teammates, so itā€™s not like much changes till where we are now. He is also the obvious choice out of who is alive. I was heavily sussed d1, Eevee was untargetable n1, whysper slot had like 4 posts. Maybe thatā€™s giga big brain to recruit there since they have a blank slate, but seems kinda risky. Which leaves you, min, or he failed to recruit. And out of you two after day one, Iā€™d probably recruit min. I mean, maybe I wouldnā€™t, but I think gorta would.

Does anyone have atā€™s actions saved in a nice spot?

Okay, I disagree hard.

Gorta exploded on night 2, so he made an action night 2.
Which means he most likely failed a convert n1 to begin with.

maybe pkr visited him?

o tru

Wait so if he visits someone he gets bombed?

or visited

If PKR visited him, he would be cleaned too, cause bomb clean cleans all kills done by the bomb.

Literally every enforcer claim dog piled min

Does the leader of illu have visiting abilities other then conv

It didnā€™t have any in D3.

Does that mean no illu since recruiting comes last in order of operations apparently, even after kills?

Or rather, wait it did.

Gather the games I guess I think its plausible that the leader couls viait

Illuminati leader was INSTEAD of some class, keeping that class abilities AND convert abilities as a bonus.