[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Accused Voters Count
Whysper Soulshade55r, Min 2/3

Because we are trying to find the NSF

Because I was already considering scenarios where there werenā€™t 3 Illu. We were going through lots of scenarios. And again, like I stated there, it could explain Minā€™s behavior.

Okay, whys.


Whatā€™s your current PoV about NSF and illuminati?

@Soulshade55r rolestop me if I donā€™t lynch you no matter what.

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Eevee whatā€™s your over under on soul being nsf here?

Well, currently I think only Min or Soul are likely NSF in that order. I think there is either no Illu or itā€™s the other of Min and Soul. Itā€™s mainly because of the 4th Enforcer claim that I think Soul is less likely NSF.

Okay, Eevee, I thought I saw you typing after my post there, but maybe I was mistaken. I was trying to stay around to see, but I do need to head to bed now. Already 1 AM.

Oh, I see you typing again.

I will try to stay around a bit more, but do need to leave soon.

Tbhā€¦ I feel scared of making this decision.

Soul seemed townier throughout the game.
On the other Whys donā€™t really make sense as NSF actionwise.

The problem comes with Soul literally having twice more posts than Whys, so he had time to build up his position, while less active Whys fits for his obliviousness and weird pushes.

And with 3 misslynches in a row, calls me for reevaluation.


My brain says that Whys was worse through the game, but my instincts say itā€™s Soul.

So while it pains me to make this decision, I would probably go Soul.
Thread position doesnā€™t equal faction, while motivations are much harder to fake.

Ehhh, yea, thatā€™s it.

6 hours and 47 minutes left until EoD

Yeah whysp is okish today.

Soul is fighting hard.
Whysp is kindaā€¦ resigned.

After 3 misslynches in a rowā€¦ I would say NSF actually saw the spark of hope and wouldnā€™t give up.
It still depends mostly on person tho.

You know that if we flip PoE upside down rn and are wrong, we will get blamed a lot post-game, right?
Tbh same if we donā€™t reevaluate PoE after 3 misslynches.

No pressure :^)

Thatā€™s why Im a bit scared to make this decision, cause all the game so far depends on it.

So you think nsf had enforcer fake claim, and soul claimed 4th knowing someone was lying?

derps didnā€™t leave a will. Frankly, we won this game.

Give me 10 minutes, I will backread.

Also reevaluating onto something not mentioned in derpsā€™ final reads feels like a throw.

Are w sure min is not NSF?
Or am I just paranoid rn?