[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

I get your point and it makes sense but I would definitely not want to early draw thunderdomes with myself when theirs been two nsf kills

Watcher is semi protective.

Again idk what you expect

I either soft claim portective and Iā€™m scummy for that

I donā€™t and Iā€™m scummy for that

or I soft claim something else and claim 4th enforcer for no reason

I didnā€™t want people to use my 4th enforcer claim as evidence to trust me either.

Should I unvote here? I doubt theirs a need to if either of you two are scum and wanted whysp dead youā€™d have hammered by now

Iā€™m going back to sleep soon enough


I hope if your town here you can discuss why min is scummy.

Iā€™m constently going back and foward at this point because I donā€™t want a miss yeet

Iā€™m not gonna hammer rn, and it really doesnā€™t matter if you unvote with Erika having 2 votes.

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Yeah true.

Honestly though definitely good to know you arenā€™t fractionally aganist whys

I feel like it confirms the both of you as non converted scum with min/me.

Well in theory just min Iā€™ll list myself for consistency sake like I normally do when Iā€™m refering outside of self pov

Iā€™m probably sleeping for a bit more soon I mainlybwoke up to have some dinner IRL but thought it would be good to check up on here

Thatā€™s funny, considering earlier you pinged me to vote.

To vote min?

You seem to like to make no context with your arguments lol

I mean this.

You wanted me to hammer Whysper when there was like 10h left in a day.

Thatā€™s not you

I said eeeee

Okay, I canā€™t read.

Again. Lmao.

I didnā€™t say eevee itā€™s time to vote it was refering to myself

Third part was referring to u and erika tho

Yeah, I know it was, thatā€™s why it made sense in a context.