[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Just curious

At least Iā€™m here before end of day so I can defend my position

This is a pathetic arguement knowning what postion Iā€™m in

Heck idk id you know me but Iā€™m genuinely always paranoid or jumpy

Whys is obvious? What does that even mean?

Becouse Whys was rather clean today, to the point that min voted them.

Whys is resigned, not something I expect from NSF after 3 misslynches in a row.
They are not fighting, when they are close to winning.

Or ratherā€¦ they are fighting in rather pure way?
Go with unpopular beliefs, keep theirs opinion.
Donā€™t go for easy options.

You on the other hand are fighting in all directions just to stay alive.
And if we lynch among you two incorrectly, tommorow would be basicly 1-1-1, so depends on kingmaker decision.

And most of all - Iā€™m following my instinct.



In other words, they donā€™t really go with others or go for easy options.
They donā€™t take offer form min to cooperate.

Pure, but unaware.

Ok so what does whys being ā€œcleanā€ actually mean?

ā€œIā€™m fighting all directions?ā€ what? Iā€™ve been pushing everyone so i can actually clear them and I donā€™t care if you claim power joat I will make sure your town before this. Maybe you just donā€™t like or cannot understand that.

I really donā€™t understand your point.

I figured it can be min or whys from my pov so I canā€™t really choose out of the two but min certainly had a better early game.

Whysper hasnā€™t been too bad either thatā€™s why I would have rather gotten atno or amelia beforehand ect.

Which you did.

I know that you were on all the misslynches.

So waz a lot of people agreeing to it?

How much time is left @Frostwolf103 ?

What are your thoughts so far?

Well you need to vote either way.

I will push for whysper or min because I know we lose if we die.

I* Iā€™m not a we

I donā€™t know honestly

Itā€™s between u guys

Iā€™m quite frankly nervous of a ml rn and Iā€™ve seen both good and bad on both of you and it confuses the shit out of me

Ur gonna lose if u push me

Well now Iā€™m worried Iā€™m going to be sheep voted with eevee

minā€¦ donā€™t start this again, lol.

Ok yeah sorry


28 minutes left until EoD.