[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

All PKR did by outing early was put Seth in antispew mode if Seth is scum, making it that much harder to find his allies by putting them on edge too. That’s in a best case scenario too.

In other words, good luck trying to find who Surge’s partners now as they’re going into antispew mode.

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I do agree that PKR and Seth being on the same team is very unlikely though but is there anyone else who’s card didn’t say UNATCO on it?

My point exactly.

maybe that was just a slight error

I somewhat doubt that.

Its a possibility small chance or not

Pkr just needs to guilty his next sr, and boom. No info no problem.

I have literally never asked for us to ignore other possibilities and ignore discussion of others.
I am saying the lynch is me or Seth.
We have both said our things.

There is no reason it should be like this.
Also this really does not explain like I thought it would but k

I doubt the hosts would make an error that big.

Eevee explained it earlier.

You were my highest TR.
Even ask PKR.

i see,

i still dunno. i still think pkr is acting towny about his check anyway honestly

I already said it.
Went over this all.

Actually read up if you want to keep trying.

If you believe them why not trust in their asking to be shot ?

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It’s kind of unavoidable with how things went and when lunches are limited to two people, of course it’s going to limit discussion. If Seth is scum, my best guess as to a teammate for him would be Amelia for that Shade she was throwing on me earlier to be honest.

Look who showed up.

You replied to the wrong post.
If you are going to try interacting with me and saying reads on me, at least show that you are trying.

This is most likely some scum manipulation role.
I’m assuming I’m not the only healer in this game so I’m hoping we can still survive this if I end up lynched today which I probably will.

Remember that scum have the manipulation role and please don’t make the same mistake you did on me to someone else. (Assuming your actual Town)

I’ll try and get some reads going before EoD/My Lynch

I also want to push on any inactives slots to get more information out of them.

I am looking forward to it