[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Gorta scum leaned Amelia and town leaned you in D1.
Hmm Amelia was quick to jump onto Surge being scum when PKR outed their information.

Ik Amelia isnā€™t starting evil but like

I donā€™t know how smart it would be to convert them bur

Maybe converted but i donā€™t think so

More likely starting evil if I didnā€™t know any better.
Still Iā€™m not ruling out an Amelia convert world yet.
Amelia looked like they were coasting D1. You mind talking with me on that?

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I thought they were suspicious but I asked my mom and she said theyā€™re town

No but jokes aside they were kinda suspicious d1 but for reasons alongside them being slightly

Ugh sent too soon

them being slightly more active but I do wish theyā€™d come on even more and help cuz I donā€™t want them to get misexed

Reminder there is the possibility of up to 3 Professors and Iā€™ve seen several people react in a way that could make me think they are one, also dont out tyty

Plot twist over half of us are professors

Yes thatā€™s possible. It does remind me of 3 Physicians in ToL which again not likely yet only Surge has claimed Professor who healed Eevee N1.

Ok so Iā€™ll explain on how I would have went about it if I was scum gaslighting PKR.

First my message would have been different.

I probably wouldnā€™t have instantly claimed my role. Most likely I would have probably not took the risk as they could be another evil or a town that could catch me. So I would have been a little more brawn out rather then straight out limit myself and hard claim.

Course if you want to argue that ā€œSeth, you didnā€™t get checked yetā€ then fine this point can be irrelevant.

So to start off as soon as PKR gave the check to me I would have probably started to ask him to double check or ask if anything else happened to kinda throw pretend doubt, like I said this before and Iā€™ll say it again Iā€™m not genuine as scum.

Second, I wouldnā€™t have been saying there is a ā€œRedirectorā€ as a ā€œSafeā€ to stay alive.

I would probably throw around that Iā€™m being framed and give a poor response of reasoning.

Thirdly, I wouldnā€™t be trying to solve elsewhere because I probably wouldnā€™t care to because I would be scum myself and sure you could argue that I am scum looking for the other scum team but ok, why not let my other team deal with it? Do you think Iā€™m Solo scum? Then.

Lastly, I wouldnā€™t be willing to sacrifice myself.

Especially as solo scum. I know from my POV Iā€™m the most optimal lynch due to suspicion.

Iā€™m not going to deny it, however Iā€™m not going to freak over it Iā€™m going to figure out what happened and how to solve it, not something Iā€™d do as scum. Iā€™m also a Professor and useful. As scum I would have been using my healer Fake Claim as an excuse to not get rid of me. (Kinda like Leafia WAS doing lol)

Iā€™d prefer if Leafia, ATNoName or ElithePsycho gets lynched today.
But Iā€™m not in the position RN to make those calls.
If you want me gone so be it.

So Surge do you think PKR is a mistaken townie or is scum framing you?
Iā€™d like to hear your thoughts about PKR claiming a red check on you.

Most likely Townie that got Redirected

Also forgot to point out that Erikaā€™s read on Eli is garbage as you shouldnā€™t TR someone for a NAI Post.

iā€™m being pocketed

Well I may have hinted at it before but I said it now.

(Also thinking Erika might be the 4th scum)

So Erikaā€™s pocketing you?
