[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Yeah even if you flip town I don’t think pkr will be the flip tommorow

Well just have proof shit exists

Get da BD

BD is our Main Priory tomorrow

Or even the Bomber

Agreed. It is.

Tomorrow Min will be able to vouch for me too.

The very clearly existent flip alterer

IT EXISTS! I SWEAR IT ON MY LIFE! Proof is in the pudding.

Possible Host Error

Or some role fuckery

@Leafia I’m still hesitant

I’m going to think at night wether or not I will check you and if I do not check you please do not be angry with me.

Why are you so absolutely sure you had your flip altered :eyes:

Don’t check Leafia probably Cult Bud Driver

Wait is the day over?

Yeah leafia hammered so we wait

I’m saying if I do because I know I’m Professor

Fair enough and I won’t be.

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wait doesn’t that mean we should stop speaking


Nah. This is where we keep talking until someone locks the thread.