[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins



This works too.

Looks like the hosts are taking their time here.



@an_gorta_pratai Could you like expand on this more? Like why do you think the post about CRich discrediting Minā€™s Cent read feels like effort? Iā€™m not quite getting it. Also, this ā€œeffortā€, do you think it comes from town or scum?

inb4 Seth reveals as an IC

@Soulshade55r I know this might seem a little picky but what do you mean by ā€œmake players good vig type more inclined to shootā€?

Honestly at this point Eevee just doesnā€™t make sense to me so Iā€™m just gonna let them do their thing until they do something that interests me.

They probably left him because he has a redcheck? I mean I donā€™t think Sethā€™s partners would be dumb enough to defend their partner from a redcheck. If this is the only arguement that Seth is town then Seth is probably gonna die.

Thatā€™s an interesting response. Not sure how I feel about it.

Ok it seems Seth is willing to be lonched? Thatā€™s kinda interesting actually, not something I would expect from himā€¦

@PokemonKidRyan Could you reveal like the entire chat conversation? Like everything said? Obviously donā€™t quote it, like just copy and paste it with quotations around.

This makes PKR somewhat more believable I guess? Idk how much flavor matters in this tbh.

: |

So you think the super fast instantly out my redcheck at the start of the day indicates PKR is not the same alignment as Seth correct?

Hasnā€™t Seth been bussed like way too many times before as scum? Or something like that? Actually the only one I can recall is Wild West but Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more cases of scumSeth being bussed.

Kinda hard to answer to be honest. For Seth, Iā€™m pretty sure his partners wouldā€™ve most likely abandoned them by now, for PKR, I think all of us probably has some sort of ā€œevidenceā€ pointing itā€™s us.

Something about thisā€¦ feels odd. Like heā€™s defending himself, but this post feels oddly defensive for another post thatā€™s probably just random tinfoiling? Also I donā€™t quite get the last argument in this post. 1. Seth doesnā€™t think youā€™re Seth Iā€™m pretty sure, considering that he thinks you might have hit a frame or a redirection. 2. Seth outing that youā€™re an messenger of sortsā€¦ ??? I donā€™t think that does anything for Seth to push against you if he thinks youā€™re scummy.

Not trying to shade anyone but thereā€™s I remember a cop NK who had a Right Hand Man with dayvig. Oh yeh both of them could also steal abilities from a certain type of role. NKs could really vary to be honest. I donā€™t really think PKR is NK though.

Quinn Not Sure If Emote
Excuse me what.

I donā€™t think they were accusing you of trying to derailing the thread?

Eevee being your highest TR is questionable. @ChopChop could you explain why Eevee was your highest TR? Cause honestly I donā€™t get it at all.

How is Amelia throwing shade at you make her scum partners with Seth??? Like donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not satisfied with Amelia, but not sure how that interaction is something connected to Seth.

Ok this legit feels townyā€¦ and pure. I honestly donā€™t knowā€¦ likeā€¦ what scum with a redcheck on them says this type of stuffā€¦ honestly.

I mean thereā€™s quite a lot of other things that could stop a Nightkill. Plus Eevee was vigged apparently so that doesnā€™t explain where the Nightkill went.

They attempted to kill someone?

Wonderful read
Could you expand on it?

Wonderful read
Could you expand on it?

@EliThePsycho so you think Leafia is scum defending their scum partner here if Seth is scum correct?

Most of this is just self-meta to be honestā€¦ meh. I mean eh whatever. Not the best defense I would say.

I donā€™t quite get why you think Derps is likely town tbh. Theyā€™ve been pretty null for me this whole time.

Gorta and NoName I kinda want some explanations for. I can see Gorta but Iā€™m not sure about NoName to be honest.

Whypser, what do you find scummy about Erika?

@min Why do you think scum is willing to sacrifice themselves here to kill a doctor right now instead of just pushing Seth normally?

In the flavor, the NK is literally described as a test subject or something who escaped from the lab, so this is probably true.

Cry and have SFoL 64 flashbacks about being falsely redchecked as town

What is this?

I mean Iā€™m pretty sure anything is possible if bastard. I mean for all we know, this might be some wierd ass Athiest game and we need to lonch Frostwolf to win.

I thought it was the opposite? Isnā€™t Seth aggressive af as town?

Waitā€¦ when the hell did you out that you had a cop abilityā€¦ or is this the first time youā€™re outting this?? also was Min really the best pick bruh.

Min, you consider most of what Amelia said yesterday to be content and not just fluff correct?

But but but Ameliaā€¦
wHaT iF iTā€™s A rEaCtIoN tEsT?

I have a question, so how would Centuriesā€™s execution net us information either? Like I donā€™t really see any notable interactions between Centuries and someone else to be honest.

Is Minā€¦ self-metaing without a town meta?

I donā€™t think outting your flavor was needed to be honest but ok.

Hold on you have the exact same role as Min, but the names are different?
Thatā€™s quite oddā€¦ to say the least

: |

Wh- whatā€¦
Who in the world would convert Amelia night 1? No offense but she was being scumread by a top townread, and most others would agree she seemed scummy. I donā€™t see why scum would try to go for Amelia instead of other people who were more townread.

Wow yep thatā€™s super bastard in a explicitly bastard setup

Also I really wanted to express my opinion on Seth, I feel like heā€™s towy, but his arguments and defense isnā€™t too good.


Because frost is asleep

hosts alseep
post joycrab

I would have probably healed PKR or Min

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If I was still alive

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Thatā€™sā€¦ what I said in that quote

This is my catcup post.
I really wanted to ISO out NoName. I feel like his day 1scumread on Min feels bad, also from what I can see, his tone or posts for me havenā€™t gotten better either

Youā€™re a bit late with that. Seth has already been hammered.

Oh I read it wrong my bad

Sorrry yeah

Regret openclsiming

I blame Minecraft for being too distracting

Anyway as integrity lies in pieces

Well, when Seth flips, at least weā€™ll get valuable info.

Also why did 2 cops openclaimā€¦?
Amelia was barely even getting pushed and I feel like the Min was obviously town anyways, a greencheck on Min couldā€™ve been hidden without changing much tbh

Also have we considered that Seth might just be a hidden miller, or is that too bastard or something?

If I was a Hidden Miller how would the Bomb result appear?

Maybe a hidden fuckin Bus Driver but not miller