[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

did you take the readlist seriously?

A little bit yeah

I’m not the best at instantly spotting reaction tests

AT is likely town too. I like his style.


Oh yikes. I’m sorry

I really do talk alot

Supper just arrived. Now to eat.

I suspected it was a RT. Though I wasn’t 100% sure until you said it was.

most of you didn’t even post

Wow, our 2nd poster has posted 0 reads.

Town sucks this game, ngl. :^)

Alright I’m back now.
Looks like nothing interesting happened I guess
Good that some people are getting on now

Time to read Gorta.

Talks about having a decent track record on Centuries without saying what he thinks Centuries is.
I don’t like this.

Which is true. Experience is the best teacher.

Conclusion: I slightly scum lean Gorta here as their post on Centuries looks like hedging to me.

That’s totally not me saying that since I have 0 reads, I’m good conversion target, cause I won’t have PoV swap.

:wink: :wink:

CRich, do these 2 posts affect your read on Gorta?

No I think those two posts are NAI.

Ok good.

Also btw I would appreciate it if Leafia could expand further on this NoName read if possible.

Personally amelia is a little weird popping up and then kinda just dying off maybe a slight scumread there

Eevee if I die from killing town should I still kill you

theres a reason why Amelia is the residental D1 lynch

I’ll wait and see what Amelia says when she gets back.

tfw no d1 exe