[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

I mind you asking.

No problem there

The latter two I town lean them.
Eli looks like they’re going UTR here.
Derps is pretty much the guaranteed target for today because of their association with Leafia.

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They look like converts to me, intensify more

This is basically my view on these 4 as well, though Soul is only slight town lean to null.

Actually… if you were illuminati leader, would you convert Derps the vig claim on n1 to have illuminati vig?

I guess it’s possible they’re converts, yet no Illuminati have flipped.
Besides if we kill an Illuminati, that opens up a convert slot.
At this point, killing off the NSF looks like the better strategy here.


In that case kinda wanna kill derps here

I think this is a good possibility.

Though hard to know whether to believe Derps. :slight_smile:


Derps is illuminati, not NSF.

He claimed vig d1, could really be one and be converted.
That also explains 2 deaths on n2.

Not the bomb, but Illuminati getting control over vig.

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Was derps vig claim actually serious?

This does make sense, and definitely explains the 2 nightkills N2.

And Derps is also someone that might not be suspected of conversion. So even if they didn’t totally believe his vig claim, he might still be a good town to convert.

Probably not.
But it more depends if CL believed it or not.

Actually, I have even bigger tinfoil:

Derps was NSF fakeclaiming Trooper (vig).
That made Leafia mess up names with Seth (since they were both NSF).

Derps was converted to illuminati n1 due to vig claim.
Illuminati this way would have member of theirs team in NSF and thus learn theirs team, allowing to build up alibi on pushing NSF.

This is even worse tinfoil than previous one.

Would you rather push eli compared to derps then? I think derps could’ve been nsf converted too

If we want to go for nsf I mean

I actually have no idea what I would rn.

This is getting bit too complicated for 3am.

Understandable tbh

In any case, we’re flipping Derps today.
Unless anyone can convince me to switch to someone else, my vote stays where it is.

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