[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Yeah, I’m thinking we just keep it simple and vote Derps today as well. Even though the tinfoils are definite possibilities, we should just stick with getting the person we most suspected as scum.

Lets suppose that eevee is correct in saying that Derps is NSF ->Illuminati convert.
Then who converts Derps in this scenario?

I have that moment when suddenly you understand something, unlocking wider vision, but this wider vision literally overwhelms you.

Aka. I actually want my last tinfoil to be true, but also would hate it.

I would love it that I guessed it, but it would flip everything we know upside down.
Actually… any converted NSF flips everything upside down.
Literally everything.

Eli is a possibility

Unless Eli is more likely NSF Leader for those early pop ins where he SR’d Surge? Early distancing?

I’m officially terrified.

Eli just scum either way

I cannot see town eli here

I don’t get feedback

Okay, the moment Illuminati starts as NFS or converts NFS, pretty much everything flips upside down.

Since obviously Illuminati would then know exact roles of NFS and members of Unatco… well…

Centuries plague information would be easy towncred if plague is NFS and flips.
Min would be no longer proven cop, cause illuminati would know all the factions in advance.

And Amelia… I would actually probably lynch them?
The fake “redcheck” on Leafia might’ve been too accurate?

Yeah, single NFS Illuminati is destroying all mechanical confirmations.

Hmm… Min and Centuries plaied townie anyway, but I’m not so sure how I would aproach Amelia’s fake redcheck now.
That’s would be literal pain in the ass to figure out.

I don’t think we should think about it before we get NFS Illuminati flip tho.
Just keep that in mind if my tinfoil turns out to be right.

So here is my CL/Convert PoE from most likely to least likely.

Eli: Going UTR and was pretty hesitant in pushing scum.
Derps: This might be starting CL fake claiming vigilante. They were outed for fake visit by AtNo.
Centuries: I can see this being CL getting town credibility by pushing on 2 NSF. Decent convert choice imo as they’ve proven themselves to be a strong scum player.
Intensify: Seemed towny enough though they did dip noticeably D2. This isn’t a lot to go on, though it’s something worth noting.
Soul: My take on this slot is similar with Intensify, though townier as it was their suggestion to get Surge and Leafia, which makes me think they’re most likely town here.
Whysper: Not the biggest ISO and they’re somewhat solvey here. Not a bad conversion target as they aren’t bad as scum.
AtNo: Possible if CL can also choose mercenary ability, though this is a tin foil.
Erika Furudo: So far nothing about this slot pings conversion. Still I think this is also not a bad conversion target too.
Eevee: As I’ve explained before, I doubt this slot gets converted early as they weren’t obvious town read.
Min: Yeah no this is pretty much confirmed noob town here. Also they were protected by AtNo. LUL

Honestly I find it kinda suprising I’m not converted yet with this playerlist + the fact I’m pretty much TRd by the majority of the game

Guys I’m being bussed


We both know you can do better than this, when you are not lazy.
As either aligment.


Discussion time?

Addition to this list.
Place Amelia after Centuries.

My take on Amelia: I’m pretty sure they aren’t NSF as they were hard pushing Leafia D3.
If Derps is indeed Illuminati and Amelia isn’t on their wagon, they should be under scrutiny.

You should actually try to play the game abt rn if you don’t want to die today

Like at least give a defense


Starting nsf converted doesnt make me a fake cop?

Also amelias redcheck was an rt

I’m pretty sure Derps is in anti-spew mode here.
Notice they aren’t posting much as they’re the focus for today?

why am i being @ d