[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Just read EoD 4.

I’m not gonna say anything more on this topic.

Um ok

Wait wasn’t erika the one to call out Richard

I don’t think the request for extending was in the thread. But Eevee did immediately follow up after the extension with pinging everyone and then pressing CRich.

Then you later confirmed erika once they called them out…?

I got bad memory from this game so please inform me :expressionless:

Might fall asleep soon this is a rather intresting development to say the least.


Do you think it’s bad that I don’t ignore you like everyone else or what?

I seriously now am considering it more unless you explain the post where you stated that you extended the thread on here openly.

Yes, basically it started with the following…

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Did eevee show any signs of hesitating or slight doubt in richards claim

I feel like its quite possible that it could have been something to save face or slightly push richard because they got outed at that point.

I will admit claiming JOAT and asking to be shot n1 is a really wacky play from scum

Here’s the post where Eevee implies that they were the one who prompted the host to extend the day.


From what I’m reading, it looks like Eevee pressed hard after Erika outed CRich.

I still don’t understand how that’s fully prompting the host I know scum eevee would probably assume the time would have been regular anyway.

Eevee is saying in that post that they argued with the host that the day shouldn’t end at 47 hours.

Wait that was after the extension

Right it was after. But it couldn’t have happened before because the day ended unexpectedly and the thread was locked.

I mean that’s only indicating that he argued with the host, no actual proof either way… But it’s being used as the a big talking point.

Right agreed

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