[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

I hope I’m not yeeted or pushed for the simple fact I know I’m town but I everyone else should feel that way at a vital moment

Ahh good find. Yeah, if Derps made these comments, he likely went with one of these since no one specifically told him who to shoot.

If the NSF Leader only has 1-shot BP like in Deus Ex 2, then that means Eevee would have lost it when Derps shot them N1. But if the NSF Leader is actually a special JOAT character, then we wouldn’t know if Eevee still had a charge to do self-protect.

But overall, this leans me even more towards Min being the NSF Leader. Derps probably did shoot at Min and hit the 1-shot BP.

Oh for the fuck sake.
You are annoying with this at this point.

Yes, I’m obviously candidate for NSF Leader who got day extended on day 4, which changed no lynch into lynch of my last teammate.

Are you serious?

I’m not sure if you are addressing this post from Soul or myself since I just posted during the time you were writing. Anyway…

You got the day extended? I didn’t see anything in the thread saying who prompted the host about that. But if that’s true, then yeah, that makes you a whole lot less likely to be NSF Leader.

Though the thing is, Soul is basing his whole theory on you playing a massive mind-game on us, so I don’t know that even that fact about D4 EoD would completely convince him. :slight_smile:

How do you get the thread extended

Isn’t that fucking meta gaming anyway

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Can you give me the full context

It probably is, but this fact was already known anyway.

That’s nothing new.

Uh what?

I don’t even remember this.

Not game realted but:

Isn’t that likely in violation of a rule? Or at least something that shouldn’t be public knowledge that you got the thread extended because it gains a unfair advantage and gives you trust for something that was outside of the game.

Suggesting kniowing the roles is not breaking the same rule already.

I’m just assuming anyway probably why I gave it no thought that you extended the day

There was some issue with the clock or timing or something, so D4 got extended. It was going to end with CRich only having like 5/7 votes, so no lynch. But then the extended day allowed us to finish lynching him. But I don’t think there was any indication in the thread about someone bringing this up to the hosts.

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Well, at least generic roles, cause the named ones are something new.

Yeah…? Like I definitely missed this

Ok can you quote me the ingame thread post which got you to extend the day

I’m missing something here

Read further to understand.

Also the fact that Rich was totally unrpepared to provide anything I was questioning him for and avoided all my questions.