[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Unvoting didn’t clear you. You said earlier you had a valid reason to vote Hippo, that being that he didn’t elaborate on his vote for you. If you truly believed that was a valid reason I don’t think you would’ve unvoted, but you did cuz you thought your vote made you look suspicious.

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Am I right so far?

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Yea,you got me…

What faction are you?

UNATCO,i never lie

Meh it was worth a shot

Not moving my vote off you

Sure,since that’s my own noob fault.

I put my first vote count on timestamp as well, but don’t expect me to give a whole list of timestamps every time I made vote count

I won’t be as active as usual this game but I’ll be around


So you’re not denying that you aren’t a part of either? :thinking:

Hja asking people to speak = locktown

why did you say you could be

This is pretty suspicious behavior tbh. I don’t think noob town would claim that they “could be” part of one of the evil factions? The rescind on Hippo was also intellectually inconsistent

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Please stop trying to catch the newbie for being a newbie. It’s kind of unfair.
Also @Lastday3312 editing is prohibited unless it’s a ‘ninja-edit’ (which lasts for 5 minutes since the post was made) in which case you are only allowed to edit typoes. Ngl I add a few words here and then but it doesn’t harm anyone as long as it’s a ninja edit (I literally just ninja-editted in this sentence).

Editing reeee

So what’s ur opinion on them?

They’re definitely UNATCO.


Because of the newbie test they just pulled.

This line is geniune, and therefore he’s town.