[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

nothing i have limited uses

Bomb probably works exact same as deus ex 2
aka you walk into it, you die

stalker i have 2 uses to track a player

How did it work there

Uhhhhhh. So you’re saying you have a frame but it’s a night ability?

Is asking someone for the small text under the role name angleshooting?

Was Isaac in the previous versions of the game?

just let me DIE

Yup. The second one

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there is no text under my classcard it just says unacto stalkers tracker class

That’s what I meant by small text

Was I here for start?


Checks out but I’m still skeptical

Considering this wasn’t announced alongside the flips, prolly done near SoD

bruh moment

When you said that you are leaving

Then he could know the class roles and what they do even as scum.

What do you think about nerbins claiming redcheck on you

I feel like replacing out would be a dick move to whoever would end up taking my slot, but I also don’t like being here because i got outed D2 to a moderror