[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Hja remind me why a protective would have used their limited use ability on you as well Night 1.

inb4 hja says “how would you know their abilities are limited use”

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You can state what you want this is my town meta

And I already stated why that read doesn’t work

No it only makes me townier

And I said it’s not

Well you have nothing and I have meta gathered from many games

I never claimed that

My ability to metaread You is irrelevant to this

Relying on the rule system is one of the things I see scum do a lot.

The how would you survive an attack?
Are you trying to say that you weren’t?

And I do it as town I can even link you game where I have done that as town

Your inability to metaread me makes it clear that metas are quite easy to switch up. You can even sync your evil & town metas with eachother.

That’s self meta which does not help you Hja.

I wasn’t
There was 2 deaths last night

No because I can’t meta read you here doesn’t support your conclusion

We had a TK die.
SirDerpsAlot may have been shot.
I’ll go and check what DatBird’s read was on him actually

It doesn’t help me but it proves me town And that’s enough

Again, the fact that you cannot metaread me proves that it’s a simple thing to sync metas, or even change things up at random so town “conftown” you one game when you’re evil.

2 Kills is likely to suggest mafia kill did go through
Even if it didn’t go through it still doesn’t show why What Italy told is truth

I believe DatBird attempted to shoot Magnus and was redirected.
At least, I believe he shot.

So then dat shot himself. True madlad.

How does it prove that

You can believe whatever you want