[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Kyo I’m a level 1 player. It could work on me on certain occasions. My sellsword game I claimed sellsword for no reason

lulmultiball ruined my read since quick buildup can easily come from scum on scum

Alice ranked me in the same tier as you, and I can assure you that I would not fall for that.

Quick build up can come from town on scum especially in this forum

Kyo levels are fluid, level 1 is a huge tier that a good majority of people fit under

Here for reference, by the way. Even if you ignore this fact, how long ago did you get caught as Sellsword

Alice ranked you as level 2 as well.

Like in March

Well that’s wrong I’m terrible

Unless there is very good causation, not really.

That’s seven months ago.
Are you trying to tell me you have not learned your mistake in seven months?

Well I’m afraid Alice is (arguably) the best player on the site so whatever they say goes I’m afraid.
Can’t really argue with them.

Dat v
He’s posting and it’s not insanely awkward

No as my scum game has been rather stagnant and I know my problems.

What level am I :eyes:

You just went and said it could work on you.

  1. Wolf is minority
  2. They usually don’t go together on same wagon at start

I don’t think you can do such read this early it would be good in later game when many people have given their thoughts

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Yes and… my scum games have been stagnant and growth has been minimal at best. I fail reaction tests all the God damn time

Are you also gonna try and convince me it would be fair to catch LastDay that way rather than actually catch them?

Your only point is that you’ve apparently not fixed a rare mistake that cost you massively, and therefore Veteran players could fall for… asking their faction and saying ‘Yes, I’m scum’. I call lies.
Just give up the argument at this point.

I didn’t like him deferring to other players on his reads, nor appealing to the player he’s pushing
However, he’s engaging with Lastday’s content in a way scum!nerbins just wouldn’t because his strat is just to lurk.

Tentative v lean