[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

I’ve had a similar experience, as you know. It’s horrible.


When talking about effective distancing by scumreading, here’s an example of it from a game where I lowposted due to being busy IRL. My SR on Percy was backed up, solid, consistent, and I was also interacting a lot with him. In short, it wasn’t the wishy-washy “yeah, I SR him.” that most people here do as distancing. Pretty much nobody thought that Me/Percy was a realistic team until the game ended.


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Since we are talking about skill
How can I improve?

Or my strong/weak points if that takes less work :’^}

What player on i42 would you say has the most equivalent skill level to me ATM?

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Hmm… here? I think other level 2 players here qualify as well. DatBird and Kyo remind me a lot of your skill-level.

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What about on MU that I’ve played with

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Insulting Datbird and Maxwell is a bit far.

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Way too many MU players for me to compare, lol.

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Hippo is the only level 4 player


You’re better than you think you are, tbh.

Lol maybe that you know but I haven’t played with many

Can’t really run a closed setup again on the same site

How is Orange not level 4

Hippo hosted a forum and created all of us only so he could classify as a community to the MU championship


Because he can’t carry a game while dead


Big if true

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Idk if this is still relevant since I couldnt tell u the last game we were in together, but just be confident in yourself and fight for your slot when pushed, dont give up ever. Your greater than you think, and iirc your reads in VCFM were pretty good

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My influence still reigns even after the game has ended.
Luxy has experience in it.