[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Italy who are you voting?

myself lmao

If you keep voting yourself we are just gonna hang you lol.

Please vote someone you want lynched.

Just because I change my opinion doesnā€™t mean that my reasons are invalid. I am at school and I donā€™t have that much time to make elaborate posts (though now Iā€™m at lunch). I was acting more on my emotions earlier because I disagreed with what Kyo was saying, but being a rational person I understand that just because my opinion differs with someone else that doesnā€™t make us opposing alignments. I know that I didnā€™t explain it very well, but still. I was assuming something incorrectly about Kyoā€™s interaction with Lastday and after I realized where he was coming from I was able to see that his point of view or at least his actions arenā€™t indicative of him being scum. That is why I rescinded my vote, because sometimes as town I am stubborn as heck and then I start doing confirmation bias which is detrimental to my ability to read people. All of my questions were aimed to get him to share his perspective and why he was thinking the way he was if you can see that.


School wifi is designed to block sites like FoL, lockscum :eyes:

Not at my school. It blocks discord though :confused:

So that I could see if he was thinking like a townie or thinking like scum

Vote someone pls.

schools have to allow sites for you to use them

  1. I have the app 2. This is kind of angle shooty anyway

And what conclusion have u arrived at

Okay, Iā€™m just going to outā€¦kinda.

You gave me info to work on, I used it, how is that angle shooting reeee

No Wazza imma break a table if u do

I am just watching dont mind me :eyes:


That this post makes me believe his mindset comes from town @DatBird


Donā€™t break my kneecaps please.