[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!


School wifi is designed to block sites like FoL, lockscum :eyes:

Not at my school. It blocks discord though :confused:

So that I could see if he was thinking like a townie or thinking like scum

Vote someone pls.

schools have to allow sites for you to use them

  1. I have the app 2. This is kind of angle shooty anyway

And what conclusion have u arrived at

Okay, I’m just going to out…kinda.

You gave me info to work on, I used it, how is that angle shooting reeee

No Wazza imma break a table if u do

I am just watching dont mind me :eyes:


That this post makes me believe his mindset comes from town @DatBird


Don’t break my kneecaps please.

that was a joke

Because it’s outside of the game information

technically you said it in thread


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