SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

I’m just going to say this

I trust the NK more then my own teammates if I were mafia

I dont get it

Hell, the NK was with us last time.
I said “Don’t kill them” and then vig went “Durr hurr”.

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The typical conversation between Hjasik and Isaac about which of them is Illuminati:
“Ur scum noob”
“No u”


You had the right idea, the win con wasn’t clear at that time.

Miracles happen.

But you need to have 10 Letters to write in PM And no u is only 4

Since you are meant to think outside of the box.

Or should I say, think outside of Pyramid.

Nooooooo U

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I thought outside of the box.
I said neutral MIGHT be good.
I got yeeted by Illuminati mayor.
That game was fuuuun.

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Oh no.
All Town and NK died

There is four mafia game didn’t end

Wait game ends when 1 faction remain NK doesnt count as faction meaning he cant win since when 2 factions die NK loses

This game holds a special place in my heart cause it was the first FM I was in I believe

It was op as fuck though, and all I did was tell marl the maf members lmao

Basically, NK wins with the surviving faction. Hence “Stands in your way”

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Better luck next time, it won’t happen again.

So Its not NK but survivor/alch

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Open claim NK day one.

Actually I would do that lol

It now makes sense why he has only one vest

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Also I’m sad that the illumati professor dude doesn’t stop people from talking anymore xD

if I claim NK I will get prolly PLd