SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

lol who made that


Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
Margaret Bazingaboy 1/9
Gamerpoke Geyde 1/9
Luxy Sam17z 1/9

Not sure I got across what I was getting at. Iā€™m fairly certain that the posts were intentionally scummy as to not draw night kills.

Marl admitted to pocketing otb. Thatā€™s the gist of the post.

Further evaluation makes it look like a mutual agreement (on Solic) turned one-way pocket.

I got something in my pm telling me a bomb was planted

what does this mean


Jeez, I expected to be mod-killed in every FOL I joined due to being dead for 4 days.

Yes I am Jesus but resurrected 1 day later.

Everyone has confirmed. You have 58 hours remaining until dayā€™s end.

Margaret will come online maybe tomorrow as well, so itā€™s not just you.

The current vote count.

Marl stop acting so clueless about the OP. Itā€™s really unflattering on you.

Are you playing chess? :thinking:

Iā€™m still waiting on this.

/vote Marl

Geyde you take everything at face value way too much.

what was your question again

Why are you being so deliberately uncooperative?

Hint: itā€™s a new question.

I like that that specifically pinged you, because it pinged myself in writing it. Let me give you this phrase that hopefully shows you my playstyle more:

ā€œAnnounced pressure is no pressureā€

1 Like

Itā€™s a meme. I have a reputation for deathtunneling town even if itā€™s not deserved. I have quite decent accuracy.


Iā€™ll start reading now

meaningless question

If meme, stop meming, if serious, where is your vote/argument?

She was announced to be inactive early on. Can you posture harderā€¦?

This indicates you have clearly read the OP thoroughly at least, so why are you so dense to the rest of the thread? Town reads the thread.


Get a better ISO.


Where are you? Game has started.